
What block did RVP run up to and swear, we should all make complaints to the F.A.

He told us to "Fuck Off" and because we act civilized he gets away with it? Hell no, that won't go. Lets send hundreds of emails to the F.A and the club, at least we can bring this incident to light. Any footage of him mouthing fuck off?
Oh God, another internet petition. Because these have proved so successful in the past, haven't they?

If you were in that area of the ground and found his celebration offensive, you should report it to the police (and then slap yourself around the face for being such a soft arse). This is what the dippers did in response to the Neville incident, and it forced both the FA and the police to take notice.

An online petition will achieve the square route of fuck all. Of that I can assure you.
Signed. But nothing will come of it. This is what you get for daring to challenge the Flop Four's disgustingly distorted sense of entitlement. One rule book for them and a different one for the rest of us. Fuck them all.
the only way to get heard is to whinge woman and moan just like the big 4. complain to the FA and police, but the club need to ask the FA to look at the RVP incidents. arsenal want blood, its only fair the van persies actions are highlighted and delt with.
Really - take a look at yourselves guys, this is nearly as bad as the reaction of the Arse fans yesterday. Is anyone truly offended that that whining **** mouthed a few obscenities at them?
Forget the petition, it ain't worth the cyberspace its stored on. If you want complain then complain to the FA, it might be worth waiting to see if they punish Ade for his celebration first though otherwise it could just encourage the fuckers.

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