Good idea there URG, it should help to weed out the pathetic no-hopers that suck the life from this forum...

A big ol' yes from me!
How about, no hotmail or yahoo e-mail accounts accepted and a 100 post min post count before you can start a thread ? That would cut out a lot of the shite.
Heres some quick questions that would help us all to come up with an answer to these wum's

How long does it take before you can first log in?
How long do you have to wait before you can first post?
How long does it take from time of reporting to time of action?
What action do mods take on someone posting useless threads?
How many mods are there currently?
Are there plans to increase the number of mods?
Is it possible to limit the number of posts/new threads in a set amount of time?

I agree 100% action needs to be taken otherwise this is going to turn into another bbc 606 or muen comments page
stony said:
How about, no hotmail or yahoo e-mail accounts accepted and a 100 post min post count before you can start a thread ? That would cut out a lot of the shite.

and more mods
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
Yes the club has changed and we are a target but it is so easy to get on BM and make it a laughing stock that's why WUMs are coming on's too easy to get on and make a mockery of it all and in the process bring down the good name Bluemoon and pee off the geniune fans/ posters.

I think I've pretty much exhausted my thoughts on the issue now, and I'd just be repeating myself if I continued. I agree that something should be done if so many users are having a problem with it, but don't feel the 50 post limit is the answer. Perhaps if we got more mods, with a focus on trying to provide 24 hour coverage, then these problems will disappear.

Thanks for the debate URG, t'was fun :)

EDIT : Also stopping the world's two biggest email providers smacks of elitism. I use Hotmail in my professional life everyday.
stony said:
How about, no hotmail or yahoo e-mail accounts accepted and a 100 post min post count before you can start a thread ? That would cut out a lot of the shite.

I think that might be too much. There has to be some sort of deterent because at present there isn't one. And if there is a deterent the fuckwits will go elsewhere and the geniune fans/ contributors will stay around.
Even though it affects me i think it's a great idea. All these rag wums are doing everybody's head in and the genuine newbies just get banded in with them now cos there are so many of them.
Re: Petition!! get this board back to normality!

Vote Pennis and I will make your dreams reality. Davidbentley will be banned instantly as a statement of intent.

Vote Pennis today!
Damocles said:
Perhaps if we got more mods, with a focus on trying to provide 24 hour coverage, then these problems will disappear.

Yep good debate. Whislt 24 hour coverage would be great for a big company with big resources a 24 hour helpline for a fan's forum is a bit over the top and unachievable. Putting in place some sort of deterent which will not push away geniune fans should be easy to achieve at no real cost both in many hours or monetary terms.

All the best


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