In his short life with us we had a great time.
He was just a joy to watch running.
I work with the woman who asked me to take him in the first place.
It was hard explaining to her, but she was great.
She’s since got a cocker spaniel (easier to handle with a baby in the house).
She has been on to me saying she knows of a woman with an English Setter with 9 pups being given away.
Even waiting three months I think it’s too soon for me.
The missus and son think the same.
We’ve lost two in 20 months and it’s hard.
People who aren’t into dogs don’t get it but dog people understand.
Especially with the last one Cooper, who didn’t reach his second birthday.
It’s like losing a child and people saying to you, will you adopt another?
They are family members.
My son did up a wonderful collage for my 60th birthday.
I can look at the old lab Boey with fondness, but still find it hard to look at the top left picture of Cooper.
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