the opinion is pretty disgusting though
a pregnant women talking about how she was thinking of suicide, backed up by Harry and he goes on air to say she's a liar aswell as all the other constant barage of abuse he gives her over the years. it's shameful.
Agree entirely, however it is about so much more than that.
The effort that goes into dealing with mental health as a concept, particularly suicide, the money charities raise for support, the slow awareness and perspective shift, breaking the taboo and convincing people that talking about it is ok.
And then when someone, highnprofile or not, openly talks about it, to dismiss it so casually as a lie on national tv is just such a big error in judgement, with potentially disasteous consequences.
I admit to not watching the lot nor the rant analysis, and yes that may then sound like a knee jerk uninfirmed opinion on my part. But point however is, the headline that comment of his generates, and if it reaches disinterested old me with zero invvestment into the whole thing, then you can bet it reaches a much wider audience. And begins to translate into a wider very poor message.
And he absolutely Had to go, because of that, if any real momentum is to be regained on any mental health support drive.