Piers Morgan

I’d prefer the government to be grilled and to be made uncomfortable in an interview rather than have the likes of Dan Walker pussyfoot around and not hold anyone to account.

He is a massive **** though, no getting away from that.
But 100% of the time I despise the **** for the phone hacking and the lies regarding Iraqi prisoners
He should be a convicted criminal

I think he is 100% a ****, but for once he is usuing his gobshite nature to challenge a shitshow from the government more than some political journalists
He isn't though
It's a shouty man with the shudders

Shudder done this, shudder done than

I watch dan walker this morning and marr several times give pathetically wooly soft interviews with government ministers norlt challenging the shitshow they have created

Morgan is a shouty twat but he and this shudda done this that and the other are correct as we should have.

Made andrew bridgen look the clueless **** he is this morning, and rightly so.

Still think he is a cockend, bit sometimes you need cockends getting wound up by the idiots in charge
Morgan's one of the few who's actually done his job of exposing what a massive clusterfuck the UK response has turned out to be and cut through all the jingoistic Vera Lynn claptrap that appeals to the idiots.

He does interrupt too much at times and a lot of the stuff he says goes beyond journalism but right now, it's appropriate because someone needs to give the Government the bollocking they deserve. No wonder they've fucked off to be cosied up to by Dan Walker.
I've found the public flogging of ministers by Morgan, quite cathartic throughout this whole period.

The lack of urgency has been incredibly frustrating.
I get that Morgan grills guests on his show but the guests actually can't answer as Piers shouts over them. Regardless of your political leanings, I want to hear answers from all guests.

Don't be fooled, he is a media tart and his antics aren't for the good of the nation but just himself.

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