Pitch invasion

It's not a City tradition at all, it's happened at loads of clubs over the years, we're no different to any other club in that respect. You seem to be making out like it's our divine right to do it.

The pricks that thought it was a good idea to go anywhere near the Villa keeper are fucking idiots and deserve all they get if caught. Same for the ones that wrecked the goal, there was even a young girl up on the crossbar after it had broken, whoever was in charge of her wants banning too.

All the news reports this morning are talking about the pitch invasion, every half hour on 5live, what a shame a few bellends have given them a stick to beat us with.

where have I said we have a divine right??

we have a history of pitch invasions when we win the league or get promoted. Do we not?

why do you care so much about what the media think.
You absolutely cannot be doing anything to any of the players or other opposition staff. That is their place of work and they didn't sign up to be slapped, even if the idiot who did it thought it was in jest - how does the player know that? If you ran into a pub and slapped the barman then said 'it's only a bit of banter, lighten up' then you'd be banned as a minimum and probably getting your collar felt by the cops. Why should a football stadium be any different?

I can't get my head round it at all. Celebrate the win, don't slap the players.
Totally agree with this, I wasn't there yesterday but I have been at Wembley and The Etihad to see us when trophies, which I feel very lucky to have done. I'm not totally against good natured pitch invasions, I was on the pitch at Blackburn too , but certainly wasn't looking to twat a home player for sure!
To see your team actually win a trophy 'in the flesh' is something the vast majority of fans will never experience, to then go and run on the pitch to do that is bloody stupid. It makes the club look bad and it's quite likely going to fuck up your immediate future(do these people not notice how many cameras they have at grounds)
The actual incident wasn't on the same level as at Forest (stupid sod not going to the play off final now, that was worth it wasn't it!) but as you say you simply can't touch opposing players.
The club seem to be dealing with it but it still gives the press very good ammunition to get at us as a fan base, including the likes Slippy and the very hypocritical chuckle brother
Wait and see, after all that has gone on this last week or so they will be desperate to find a solution, the press are already focussing on the way arrests are up and coke is fuelling the behaviour. The football authorities won't want the government stepping in with sanctions and will have to put extreme measures in place to bring it under control, fences will never happen, stewards can't cope when thousands are intent on getting on, punishing the clubs will be the only way they can succeed, maybe start with heavy fines but that won't stop the loons, points deductions will be a consideration imo.
Na mate, even Owen was on tv this morning saying you can start deducting points. He said what's to stop a group of rival fans going to the match and running on so they get points docked.
Drama queens 'outraged' by fellow City fans enjoying their moment after almost snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Nobody got hurt(apart from villas keepers fractured ear lobe).
Tell that to Billy Sharp. Another pitch invasion where the assailant has had a jail sentence handed to him.
If we go on the pitch people moan, if we didnt go on the pitch people would say no passion etc. can't win sometimes
Set an age limit on pitch invaders. Must be over 75.

First to assault an opposition player gets a new hip.

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