Pitch invasions

I saw parents bringing their small kids down to the front wall of SS and standing them on it 5 mins before the whistle ready to get on first. There were people in the main stand who kept opening the front gates ready to go on. There were people leaving SSL1 to try and get down before the final whistle to go on. There were people heading straight over to goad the few Chelsea fans that decided to stay back and peacefully observe the presentation. This wasn't about emotion, this was pure pre meditiated self indulgence, I want I want I want. There are many on here trying to justify it, the same ones that will play the victim card if punishment is dished out (not far off the behaviours of some of our local rivals from up the M62.......)
After the Villa pitch invasion the Club were fined £260.000 and warned about future behaviour.

Supporter behaviour
E21 A Club must ensure that spectators and/or its supporters (and anyone purporting to be its supporters or
followers) conduct themselves in an orderly fashion whilst attending any Match and do not:
E21.1 use words or otherwise behave in a way which is improper, offensive, violent, threatening, abusive,
indecent, insulting or provocative;
E21.2 throw missiles or other potentially harmful or dangerous objects at or on to the pitch;
E21.3 encroach on to the pitch or commit any form of pitch incursion;
E21.4 conduct themselves in a manner prohibited by paragraph E21.1 in circumstances where that conduct is
discriminatory in that it includes a reference, whether express or implied, to one or more of ethnic origin,
colour, race, nationality, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or disability.
E21.5 it shall be a defence to a Charge in relation to Rules E21.1 to E21.3 (only) if a Club can show that all
events, incidents or occurrences complained of were the result of circumstances over which it had no
control, or for reasons of crowd safety, and that its responsible officers or agents had used all due
diligence to ensure that its said responsibility was discharged. However, when considering whether
this defence is made out a Regulatory Commission will have regard to all relevant factors including:
• The extent to which the Club has discharged its duty;
• The severity of the issues involved;
• The extent to which similar issues have occurred previously in which case whether the Club took
sufficient action in preventing further such incidences.
E21.6 For the avoidance of doubt Rule E21 shall apply to the conduct of both a Club’s home and/or away
There are two times an invasion could be justified and even then it would have to be the last match of the season.

1: Winning THAT match meant avoiding relegation/ Or getting promotion to the next league

2: Wining THAT match won the league

Yesterday was just pre planned by knobs/chavs who just wanted selfie's to post on facebook. It was all about them, not the club/players!
It's embarrassing and small time. People can create whatever mental gymnastics they like to construct their justification for it, when there clearly isn't any.
As has been said, yesterday felt a bit forced but I don't particularly mind the pitch invasions. I prefer it to the club's staged "you will sing whatever we play over the speakers" approach and waiting 15 minutes for a pointlessly convoluted purple stage to be constructed.
It's embarrassing and small time. People can create whatever mental gymnastics they like to construct their justification for it, when there clearly isn't any.
So what if it’s considered small time?

Do we really wann be like the rags or Liverpool?
That guy ran on the pitch before the end of the match, when Gundogan scored. Didn’t get caught, and then emailed the club apologising, so was banned, very harshly.

I work in sport and event finance. I know how clubs are run in and out and it’s not like a normal business. We have already released the new ticket prices, we are not going to add on 5p to everyone, because the groundsman has to add some seeds to the 99% artificial turf.
He got banned because he broke the regulations that's the point. Bleating on about the punishment is tough titty for any crime or misdemeanour in my book. What I was pointing out was the fact that you'll never get another seasoncard if you lose your current one.

So you're an expert in sport and event finance, tell us then, where do the extra costs disappear to? Those stewards are working for free are they?
The only thing that surprises me is that enough people hung around to the final whistle to go on the pitch, as the law of odds would suggest that a large chunk of those that went on are the same who fuck off early every other game to get the bus, go to the pub or whatever. If you can hang around to pitch invade why not try hanging around to support your fucking team to the end in every other game
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That guy ran on the pitch before the end of the match, when Gundogan scored. Didn’t get caught, and then emailed the club apologising, so was banned, very harshly.

I work in sport and event finance. I know how clubs are run in and out and it’s not like a normal business. We have already released the new ticket prices, we are not going to add on 5p to everyone, because the groundsman has to add some seeds to the 99% artificial turf.
He did get caught that is why he wanted to apologise as he was being charged.

There just needed to be people with hi-res cameras dotted about like the police used to do, it would put a lot off, but maybe not the ones from abroad in their only game.

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