PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I'm sorry but I totally disagree here. You can't downplay the significance of industrial accounting fraud; criminal proceedings could/should be undertaken here if found guilty against those who did so. We all disagree with the rules but you cannot try to circumvent them to such an extent.
What? Industrial (scale) accounting fraud? The implication you appear to have been persuaded of is that we should be heavily punished for that, and can't downplay it. Industrial scale accounting fraud which went unseen for over 9 or maybe even 13 years.

You put your diatribe on in response to a very positive post and, without specifically saying so, the clear implication from you is that relegation is appropriate for City in those circumstances. And prosecutions. Hanging and flogging as well? This isn't even a criminal trial.

I'd have expected such comments from a rag or a dipper, and of course, those clubs have never been guilty of anything, have they!?

As a blue - I assume, as you have 4000+ posts on here - I'm surprised you jumped in as you did, instead of holding your tongue until someone finds us guilty of anything. Why fan the flames? Were you writing similarly when UEFA were dragging us over the coals? I can't be arsed checking through your posts, but it looks like you've made up your mind based on Sky and the newspapers who've convicted us already.

Have a drink, or a lie down - chill, ffs!
you have to ask where would that leave the PL hierarchy?

Possibly in need of a shake-up but possibly freer from the red clubs.

After four years, they had two choices:
- charge City, and say "we tried" to anyone who pushed them to do so, and "we were testing the rules to see if they'd been broken, as well as the non-cooperation issue" to others.

- don't charge City, and have everyone wonder what they wasted the four years doing, as well as annoying anyone pushing for an investigation (who would then go their media mates to slate them, making remaining in post untenable)

I suspect they're better off bringing the charges and having them fail.
i hope your correct, i havent heard or read anything, dont forget at this stage nothing ilegal has been found so its like breaking the rules of a private members club 'they make the rules and enforce whatever punishment they see fit' and i cant see how we can argue, lets hope the evidence we have knocks them for six
Hear you mate, however, if the falsified accounting is the mud, which seems realistic, yet they determine sanctions based on no legal footing, they can be challenged in a court of law, which I’m 99% sure is what they will try to avoid!
That’s exactly what I think. The frustrating thing about it all is the fact that in the meantime so many people will simply take the charges by the PL at face value. We have had a target on our backs from the old guard for some time Rui Pinto’s hack gave them the weapon. This isn’t a well planned thorough investigation of wrongdoing but the last chance for the old top 6 to stop us.

These latest charges are the latest in a long line of grenades thrown our way. When we were first taken over they laughed, then once it was clear we meant business, they brought in FFP and the PL equivalent, then they moved the goalposts on FFP. We foolishly settled with them hoping for a seat at the table. Then it all went quiet for a while, it wasn’t because the we were slowly being accepted, it was only a pause while they waited for the chance to bring us down. Then Pinto hacked us so UEFA tried and initially succeeded but ultimately lost, now the Premier League is having its turn.

The old guard will never accept us unless they need us (super league…) it’s time to deal with that and stop playing nice. We’ve treated the media well and our reward is to be skewered every chance we get. Our owners have developed long neglected parts of Manchester, gave our stadium to the NHS at the height of covid. The reward has been continued disdain for the club and the project. Sportswashing and financial doping the latest buzz words in some justification for the mistrust and dislike of the club. Oil club, human rights abusers, more brickbats. Though funnily enough the UAE is a wildly popular tourist destination being the most liberal of Arab nations but while it’s a place to go it’s also apparently a hellish state of brutal restrictions.

It’s time to for the club to stop waiting fir the welcome mat to the inner circle and simply smash the door off on our way in. Playing nice has only got smiles from our rivals while they sharpen their knives.
Bravo sir. This should have 200 likes IMO
Question for me is what does Pep say tomorrow.

For me, I would be happy if he reiterates that the club has provided evidence and has done nothing wrong. I can even see him doubling down on what PL are saying and raising the bar.

The PL accuse our Directors of falsifying accounts, wow!! That is a huge claim and one I do not think can be true.

Whereas we would like him to go on the rampage, I think that is not our best option.

I’m unsure if this is true but I think it will be, that even if City did all of what was said, inflated sponsors, paid those off book payments, we would still have spent less then United in that time.

If it is I would love that narrative out there, as people currently think our spending was so much more than everyone else. The average fan put into that perspective does not care where money came from and consider fair or not fair.
Say from the off I’ll only talk about football and the corruption in PGMOL....anything else and the session in over and the questioner banned.
3 man independent PL appointed commission...Gill,Parry & Kronke.

My arse in parsley !!
It’s not just in PL happens in other sectors etc.

However, I do believe it should be against the rules in this scenario for the word independence to be used when one of the parties pays for the commission.

This should be known as the internal committee, I am not saying they do not aim to be impartial but one party does have an advantage.
I remember the discussions taking place on here prior to the UEFA CAS case covering the fact that UEFA too had some of the best european legal representatives and that there was no way they wouldn't have some defacto smoking gun evidence that would counter anything we had to offer in defence.

There was no possibility all they had was a photocopy of a spliced email from 2010 and 2 other insignificant emails taken from Der Spiegels website to attempt to justify the overwhelming fraud they were alleging and which their investigative chamber and then secondary chamber of lawyers had taken many months to consider and deciding we were bang to rights.

I remember the media announcing our guilt to the world on the announcement of the charges and the sanctions and the many discussions about what cheats we are and how dare we offer up a statement to the fact we were going to appeal the decision of these fine upstanding european gentlemens' considered legal decision.

We oohed and aargghed about what possible evidence it could be that would be our downfall amid the handwringing on here discussing how the whole board should resign and it was Sorianos fault or the chairmans.

Lo and behold when it came time to show the hand of aces we all dreaded, they laughably stood there with their micro penis in hand for everyone to see.

I was incredulous when I read the full decision in how any outstanding legal mind would have thought with what they had how it could have gone any other way. The actual hubris involved to think that an independent judges panel could come to a guilty decision based on what was offered as evidence to corroborate financial malfeasance on a scale they alleged. Yet most decisions were seemingly not unanimous!

Yet here we are again, asking the same questions, querying the jurisdiction, evidential burden, quality of evidence, counter evidence and presupposing the evidential smoking gun, what it is, what have we missed etc etc.

The difference is the PL have seen the same case play out, they have been privvy to the evidence offered to try to prove disguised owner investment and more importantly our responses and defence evidence to those accusations. They would be seemingly stupid to go down the same route and expect a different outcome. So we are to suffer the double jeopardy of not only having come to an agreement previously with UEFA and took a pinch for matters up to 2014, but to face similar charges for matter bothe before that point and after it.

There is no doubt if City are found guilty the punishment will be exacting for the alleged rule breaches some of which are considerable and would require director involvement in dishonesty and bad faith to such a degree that BDO have been mislead and duped so that the financial statements are deliberately falsified. I would imagine Khaldoun is absolutely seething and HHSM will be none too pleased either. These charges are calling them cheats and liars. Make no bones about this the gloves are off, they want us hobbled permanently and this has FSG, Kronke and the Glazers American fingerprints all over it imho.

So what have they done differently to UEFA then?
A whole battery of stacked charges in relation to matters going right back to the takeover. Mancinis wages, player wages, image rights payments, Fordham consolidation of club admin expenses etc., early etisalat sponsorship payments and more. So rather than one big rule breach, seeking death by a thousand cuts. I think they believe if they can show many multiple small rule infringements and these will add up to show a code of conduct whereby they can allege we were not negligent but actively indifferent and in some cases proactive in rule breaking with little or no concern of consequence and that because of that we are worthy of being guilty of the larger allegations of malfeasance over lengthy periods of time even though the amounts may not be large by consideration of turnover.

I must admit the amount of non-compliance allegations were somewhat of a surprise as I was sure I had read City were cooperating with the PL on this investigation and CItys statement allude to this with "...particularly given the extensive engagement and vast amount of detailed materials that the EPL has been provided with". Again I surmise that the PL have little evidential "hot potatoes" and have been on a few fishing trips for documentation CIty have obviously said at some point you have what you need and are not getting any more.

These matters are of course subjective without substantial documentary evidence in support of them and Bird & Bird would have to give compelling argument to satisfy the heavier weight of expected evidence on the "Balance of probability" for such unprecedented serious allegations.

There can be no doubt that this process is incredibly damaging to Citys brand and clearly the PL know this and are likely to seek a quick resolution if possible with some kind of plea bargain once the preliminaries have been dispensed with. I think Citys board have taken all the 'pinches" they are ever likely to take though.

Both teams of legal representatives leads are long standing Kings Counsel of great experience and it will be a duel worthy of any combative arena, unfortunately it is likely we will only have some hearsay comment as to how it panned out unless there are any real "gotcha" moments, let us hope if there are they are Lord Pannicks or even our more junior counsel if they are the nominated combatant.

No doubt the press and media will be lobbying hard for the proceedings to be more "public" crying about public interest and the like. I suspect however there will be many months of legal wrangling to come. Maybe jurisdiction will be discussed despite the rules for dispute resolution lying with an independent panel. However we are unlikely to know what's going on in the meantime as we are ever the mushrooms in these affairs, kept in the dark and fed on bullshit.

I have no idea how this will all pan out. I support the club's position on this until there is evidence produced that erodes that position whereby such a position would be untenable. The consequences of a guilty verdict in the end are inconceivable and I refuse to consider them at the moment.

I believe the clubs directors are not the crooks made out in these charges and that any decisions made regarding sponsorship or investment has always been considered with the best interests of CIty in mind. Of course we may have pushed the boundaries on occasion particularly as the drawbridge was closing, it is their job to do so. I cannot believe any of the management or directors deliberately falsified records or manipulated contractual obligations with falsified owner investment to cook the books. I am currently confident we will be exonerated apart from the usual non compliance bollocks.

Rui Pinto has a lot to answer for and I believe he's about to get what's coming to him. He's no more a whistleblower than I am, he's a petty extortionist who blackmailed Doyen Sports and was caught red handed. He then used the deposit of millions of Mb of data, including our emails, into the hands of tossers like Der Spiegel to try to exonerate himself and make out hes some sort of modern day Julian Assange - i'd throw the key away and let the little twat rot.
Thank you
yes,we can appeal on certain grounds only for another hearing but high court is not an option im afraid
According to who? The EPL? The FA? I’m pretty sure nowhere on our nation’s lawbooks is there an exclusion from access to the legal system in it’s entirety for sports associations.

Any “charge” or “punishment” the league places on the club, has a real-world financial impact on a company registered in the UK.

If that “charge” or “punishment” is without good reason, then it amounts to both fraud and slander on the part of the league itself, which it will have committed against the club, a company of the UK listed at Companies House, who should then have a legal basis and recourse to take the league to court for doing so.

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