PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If people wonder what 'cogent' means, Google, using a definition from Oxford Languages (who publish the OED), define it when used with respect to an argument or case as meaning "clear, logical, and convincing". Though in theory it doesn't alter the standard of proof in a case, in practical terms it's often regarded as doing so.

Hmmm. This “cogency” yardstick may be one that the people who run VAR would be well advised to take account of. Was it on the basis of it being “clear, logical and convincing” that they decided not to intervene and let Fernandes' goal stand when Rashford was about a million fucking miles offside and a yard from the ball but somehow not interfering with play, I wonder.
Thanks for the article, by the way. Informative. We're all sounding off on here, because we're outraged, but it's nice to read something that starts from a position beyond that.
They have the same trump card that Uefa “won” on. Our failure to cooperate. It’s the only thing they can make stick. However this time we have not admitted to the Court that we deliberately failed to provide info. That is the only reason why CAS fined us because we admitted it. Here the message has been clear that we have provided copious and full evidence support and information to the premier league during their investigation. In fact if you read the quotes back in 2019 from the PL they said they were really happy with our level of engagement and cooperation. I wonder What changed in the last 4 years…?
Nothing has changed and we all know that's the reason they're having another go.
Despite their best efforts, they have failed to stop us both on and off the pitch....
It just feels extremely political to me. The writing appears on the wall for the PL in the light of the likely white paper mandating an independent regulator. Either result in this case massively discredits the PL. If they lose then their entire investigation and use of resources was a colossal waste of time. If they win, they have allowed one of their major contributors to get away with financial dishonesty for a decade to the detriment of the entire faith in the competition. I am not one for conspiracy theories, but if this was all a long game invented by City to put to bed the overhanging allegations from CAS, then it could be exceptionally well played.
One of the things that bugs me the most is the fact that the entirety of the proceedings will be under seal. I just can’t decide who that helps the most.
I am Fairly sure however that the PL can only raise allegations of charges and an independent commission is required to find them as fact. Otherwise the PL is prosecution, Judge and jury which is not something that would ever have been agreed when the competition was formulated.
Just my thoughts in any event.
The idea that justice must be seen to be done is really important. Let’s hope the commissions finding are published in detail after the event.
How many clubs in the entire pyramid? How many employees does each have? Not just coaches but day-to-day facilities, administration, financial, legal.

Not just first team but age groups down to practically toddler. And the women’s game.

How many employees at Sky Sports, BT Sports, Talksport? Various other media organisations.

How many employees at The FA? How many employees at The EFL? How many at all the other leagues?


How many employees does Ribena or Coca-Cola have?

They’re both big industries but football is colossal and has so many different parts to it.
Football is big in profile and reaches many parts of society but it is tiny in financial terms. Financially City is about the same size as a big Tesco branch.
The idea that justice must be seen to be done is really important. Let’s hope the commissions finding are published in detail after the event.
That is presuming that we get to the hearing. I can Definitely see a scenario where City present their evidence in response and the PL simply back down with a statement that evidence clarifying these issues has now been provided and the charges are dropped.
It well may not happen that way but stranger things and all that…
Was talking to someone this morning and he said something that I hadn't considered before. The deadline for bidders trying to purchase United is next week. The Glazers are trying to sell them to the highest bidder, and they don't care who that is. But all of the highest bidders are from the middle east.

This investigation into ADUG could put off potential middle eastern investors from buying them, so now they are shitting it. Which would probably explain why loads of articles were published yesterday where the value was put out at 5 billion, when 6-7 billion had been the muted price since November.

Liverpool are also in the same predicament, as they are also up for sale. Which makes me sort of wary. Could someone somewhere have enough power to orchestrate all of this, to put off middle eastern investors from buying the PL's crown jewels?

Lets face it. If City, Newcastle, United and Liverpool are all owned by the middle east, the power shifts elsewhere. It puts the PL in danger, because they can collude to form breakaways, attend competitions in the middle east. It means that the PL would be losing a significant amount of power and control of their cash cow.
I'm sure you're in good faith (and the people you spoke to), but it just doesn't seem plausible that the PL would have stuck their necks out like this if they didn't, on their side, feel that they'd already gathered enough evidence to make a good case. I'm well aware that City and its lawyers are just as confident on their side.
The PL will look very, very stupid if it pans out like this. Its authority will be discredited for ever and a day. And given that the PL is its members, that will mean all of them. Hooray, a lot of you will shout.
I think at the very least we'll get a fine, for not being very cooperative, to save face for them.
Especially given that they have the CAS ruling as well. If they're really just reading the DS reports and going "well this proves everything" then they deserve everything they get, but they can't be that stupid surely.

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