PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Martin Lipton making stuff up, surely not....

This exposes a wider point around sports journalists and their sources. Historically, when it was a profession which operated under an ethical code of sorts, when a journalist quoted an anonymous source, it was reasonable to conclude that it was bona fide. These sources served a genuine purpose, as it meant people with inside knowledge of a given situation could provide a degree of insight without revealing their identity. The sanctity of a journalist not revealing their sources meant people could whistle-blow without the consequences that would flow from that if their identity was disclosed. This meant information got into the press that would otherwise not. It wasn’t perfect, because people with an agenda could exploit it, but the public could read the article and accept that the source was genuine, even if the motives of the source were not.

These days, given the cesspit that sports journalism has descended into in an unedifying chase for clicks, I think most of these quotes we see are completely made up. My default position is that everything these cunts say is rooted in running a particular click-driven narrative and they will do anything, including making quotes up, to support that narrative.

So now, whenever I see an anonymous quote from a sport journalist, I simply assume it’s made up, and discount it, which is the only sensible and logical approach to follow.
What a fkin drip that guy is..

He'd be the last person I'd confide in if I had any inside information..

Don't know who the lady was but she showed him right up there and his mate sat next to him, " Ooh, Pep must feel like tearing up his City contract now he's heard that the special one has pitched up at the swamp", what another ****..!

Sat there and said fcuk all, as he hnew he'd be chewed up and spat out too..!

Who the fcuk are these people..?
His hair looks good though!
While I hear your point, I don’t see how crazy wages or agent fees cause issue? Just don’t pay them! City have walked from many a deal for that exact reason, other clubs can do the same. Maybe if they did prices would come down? So it’s only unsustainable if a club spends beyond its means to acquire said players and in that instance it’s their fault not the system.
Spurs cannot moan about wages or fees when they claim Kane is worth £200m, they can’t have it both ways lol. Once teams do spend what they can’t afford and buy these players they then fail to make them fit and you double down on the issues. Nobody is forcing anybody to pay high fees or kickbacks, clubs bring it upon themselves unfortunately.
Just my tuppence
This is true. It's not our fault that other clubs keep overspending in the hope of getting C/L or winning the league.
As I said, I am waiting for certain clubs' bubbles to burst (one in particular!) and see how the cards fall.
I don't always agree with Simon Jordan, but he's right when he says that the wage bills for the players are unsustainable (and unjustifiable?). This fact and agents' fees are a major factor in clubs' demise.
I'm waiting for certain clubs' bubbles to burst...
I hope you're thinking about the same clubs that I am.
City have baulked at several deals recently due to what they see as unreasonable transfer fees, agents fees, wages or a combination of these.
Off the top of my head Cucurella, Maguire, Fred, Sanchez and I suspect many others too.
Jordan would know all about a clubs demise after he almost sent Palace under and lost a fortune of his own money doing so.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day but I wouldn't give Jordan any credence with his track record in football ownership.

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