PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It could be that we didn't comply originally and then sent the information later. Would still be a breach just not a serious one.

It does seem like the PL are chucking everything and the kitchen sink in with this one.
have you seen the state of some of these charges. weve alledgedly broken these two ....

K.20. The height of the pitch grass shall not exceed 30mm and the entire playing surface
must be cut to the same height. The grass shall be cut so as to display straight,
parallel lines across the entire width of the pitch, perpendicular to the touchlines. No
other form of pitch presentation (such as circular or diagonal patterns) is permitted.

K.12. Each Club shall provide accommodation capable of being used as a drug-testing
room which shall be near the Players’ and Match Officials’ dressing rooms and
inaccessible to the public and media.
I think the reason why they are effectivly trying to charge us with all the financial issues ie making out we commited fraud is because im sure we have a 6 year statute of limitations in this country but a way to avoid that is fraud i think hence the seriousness of certain charges.

i think its all bullshit and trust the club to resolve it personally.
I’ve been busy at work and just seen this at the top of the page. I don’t have time to go through 160 pages.

My questions are.
Are we fucked.

Can prestwich blue put my mind at ease?
In order to ensure the credibility and fairness of this procedure, one must ask: Did the FA include all clubs in this investigation, and then reached the conviction that City is the only club that committed these violations? Because what are the justifications for the investigation with City only, without the rest of the clubs?
I cannot influence the outcome of the investigation but I hope we are innocent and that’s what I am going to presume until proved otherwise. Less angst that way.
If we are proved innocent then gloves off and fight fire with fire.
Can we be proven innocent in a kangaroo court though?

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