PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

ffs sounds like corrupt fa is running out of money and who do they turn to when in need of money? yes you guessed it .
Come on city lawyer the fuck up.
have you seen the state of some of these charges. weve alledgedly broken these two ....

K.20. The height of the pitch grass shall not exceed 30mm and the entire playing surface
must be cut to the same height. The grass shall be cut so as to display straight,
parallel lines across the entire width of the pitch, perpendicular to the touchlines. No
other form of pitch presentation (such as circular or diagonal patterns) is permitted.

K.12. Each Club shall provide accommodation capable of being used as a drug-testing
room which shall be near the Players’ and Match Officials’ dressing rooms and
inaccessible to the public and media.
I imagine the Premier league rulebook changes every year so unlikely those numbers are correct for 2009/10

'Replay Matches'

Let us replay every match from the past 10 years, all the original players involved. I reckon David Silva would still run rings around them.

We'll forfeit Spurs away though.

Wouldn't mind replaying the champions league final, with Rodri in the team. Knowing Pep, he'd probably pick the same team.
Throw enough shot at it and some of it will stick!
I’ll be interested to see such a focused investigation on all other clubs

They would have to have evidence of concealed payments to managers and players. I doubt they have that.

I feel they will be able to prove non-compliance.
It's what loads of us have been saying on here for years, you can't appease bullies. We've tried everything to appease them, to be accepted into their little gang only to be kicked in the nuts every single time.
It’s a fine line between playing the long game and letting people take the piss out of you, but I feel we’ve been on the wrong side of it recently.

Hopefully today refocuses a few minds at the club and marks the turning point.

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