PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Just as an aside, I loved the fact that Lord Pannick stood up the the House of Commons yesterday and slagged off the Government and Labour for pushing through the amended right to protest bill ,through the back door. He also told Johnson to do one when he saw the facts behind the enquiry!
I know he's defending us for the money (one of a couple), but I like to think there is an element of anti establishment in him. (I know, I know)
Just as an aside, I loved the fact that Lord Pannick stood up the the House of Commons yesterday and slagged off the Government and Labour for pushing through the amended right to protest bill ,through the back door. He also told Johnson to do one when he saw the facts behind the enquiry!
I know he's defending us for the money (one of a couple), but I like to think there is an element of anti establishment in him. (I know, I know)

I think that was Lord Paddick (ex senior cop), not Lord Pannick (barrister)
Golden rule,dont allow football to ruin a friendship - its very easy done,so find another mutual topic that doesn't involve such emotion or evoke such anger.

The red shirts in particular are very good at dishing it out but they cannot handle the comebacks......years of self entitlement and having things their own way without restriction or competition has created this cuntish behaviour.

If a friendship can be ruined by football, it just might be worth ruining.
I know it's not quite the same but I'd sooner be guilty of committing 115 offences when breaking rules that should never have been in place, than be reliant on Atwell and Tierney (aided and abetted by Coote and Webb) to keep my club relevant.

Not just them, for years the GPC' abused his position within the game to have the kind of influence on decisions that has never been seen before or since. When you look back at some of the decisions they received in their favour when he was manager there can only really be one conclusion about what was going on behind the scenes. Have a look at Mike Riley's performance for United at home v Arsenal in 2004. This is one of many countless examples of matches where decisions have gone in their favour that simply cannot be explained without some form of behind the scenes dealings having taken place. We've seen a huge drop-off in the marginal and not so marginal gains the Rags received from refs after the GPC left.

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