PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think ultimately for whoever put this video together it’s a waste of money. It will have no impact on the outcome of our case with the PL and will have restricted views. I wouldn’t mind betting that more City fans have seen it than fans of other clubs. Either way it will change nobody’s opinion. It’s howling at the moon, pissing in the wind, a comfort for those who want to believe we are guilty but at the end of the day an expensive waste of money.

That’s not what it’s for. Whoever funded this video - and chose to do so anonymously - knows full well that if the evidence before the independent panel that will decide these charges isn’t enough, some one sided video on you tube that just rehashes the same old shite isn’t going to tip the balance. In legal terms, the opinions of Harris, Delaney, Tebas et al has less evidential value than there is methane in a fly’s fart.

This video, let’s be clear, is a direct commercial reaction to the commercial threat posed by City’s on-field success. We all know that some fans just follow success. It’s why the rags and dippers hoovered up all those fans in the 80s and 90s. But if they can tarnish City’s image, promote the argument that our achievements are just the result of cheating, maybe the flow of new fans in our favour starts to slow down. Hence putting something on the biggest free access platform, and hence plugging it via useful fools like Piers Morgan and Simon Jordan.

The fact that someone has funded this video demonstrates that someone somewhere thought they had something to gain by funding it. If it didn’t benefit the La Liga duopoly, for instance, does anyone really think Tebas would feature in an anonymous YouTube video?

If you want to know who was behind it, as with so much else, just ask yourself who gains from it.
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Because in an investigation phase, the PL would be entitled to ask for further information based on the information handed over to them. A fishing expedition, if you will. At the disciplinary panel stage, the PL has to prove the alleged breaches with the evidence they have.

Also, I imagine, because the club doesn't trust the security of the PL process having experienced the UEFA leaks, quite rightly with the increasing number of "leaks" from the PL process. Why submit commercially sensitive information and top executives to a process you don't trust? I would hope the panel has a degree of confidentiality that the investigation didn't.
Is it not more likely due to the rule changes where the PL now seemingly have carte blanche to demand information and documents at will? Given the date of the alleged breaches you'd think City would argue that those rules didn't exist back then and told them we're not going to demand sponsors books to pass on to the PL just because they asked nicely.

If this is what constitutes the non-cooperation charges then I'm even more confident that we're sweet on all charges.
Where is the benefit to us of holding stuff back then rely on it at the tribunal stage?
It's already been explained by a couple of posters. Personally, I don't think we should be tipping up any commercially sensitive information that could fall into the hands of our rivals but I'm also guessing it's to do with trusting the PL to be impartial, and why would we when we know that Masters was appointed CEO of the PL with the blessing of two of our biggest rivals? I wouldn't trust the **** as far as I could throw him. We didn't feel the UEFA investigation was impartial either and stopped co-operating when the leaks started, saying we'll provide all our evidence at CAS. This feels like a bit of a re-run of that process in that we'll provide our evidence to the independent panel instead and that's fine by me.
That video on YouTube... has that been done anonymously because of potential legal problems? Is someone worried about getting sued?
I'd go with a more sinister reason myself. How did it come to peoples attention by the way? Was it promoted by Morgan for instance?
I'd go with a more sinister reason myself. How did it come to peoples attention by the way? Was it promoted by Morgan for instance?
I got that impression. Morgan and then Talksport have highlighted it a few times, especially Jordan. It was quite funny actually, Jordan urged people to go watch it and Jim White said "who's it been made by some Middle Eastern rival to Abu Dhabi" to which Jordan stumbled and then said "there's a lot of european faces in there" as a counterpoint.

1 - I'd never thought of Qatar doing something like this
2 - Jordan seemed to know it wasnt ME origin though, or at least hoped it wasnt.
3 - Just because its got European faces must mean its made by white people?
4 - In think whomever did it is either embarrased (Unlikely) or scared.
I think ultimately for whoever put this video together it’s a waste of money. It will have no impact on the outcome of our case with the PL and will have restricted views. I wouldn’t mind betting that more City fans have seen it than fans of other clubs. Either way it will change nobody’s opinion. It’s howling at the moon, pissing in the wind, a comfort for those who want to believe we are guilty but at the end of the day an expensive waste of money.

I am guessing "they" expected more exposure. Let's face it, Piers fucking Morgan doesn't carry much weight and it didn't get picked up anywhere else. As you say, an expensive waste of money.

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