PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Started processing this bullshit when the rest of the PL clubs struggled to compete with City, of recent it's been proven it's not the case. Whatever the outcome, this filth have set out to besmirch the club's name and are determined to undermine it's achievement. Also putting rumours about of demotion, hoping to give the other's an opportunity of winning the league.
It will not end though. Even if we "win" and are found innocent, we've not complied since they opened the investigation. So they'll claim we're guilty. The same way you get idiots like Jordan saying we got away with it at CAS because of a technicality. Innocent and guilty aren't black and white when there's an agenda. They'll find something else to criticise us of. Ideally the barcodes can spoil the top 4, make the CL and then spend a fortune. They're still getting a lot of love at the moment, but that will end as soon as they "steal" someone's place at the top table.
Not this time
Both I'd say. The rules are an absolute crock but the top brass have consistently said there's nowt to worry about.
There probably isn’t and it’s probably one last throw of the dice to get Man City out of the way ...........I seriously hope if there are no charges then the owners actually do something about rather than playing the nice guys ........... this needs nailing once and for all these bastards have done all they can to throw mud at you lot and drag the name of MCFC through the gutter time it stopped once and for all
The uefa evidence was time barred where apparently the prem league isn't
So could they produce the same evidence and get a guilty verdict?
Did cas look at the time barred evidence or did they quash it without even judging it?

Yes it was time barred but if it wasn’t and they went all the way with it we would still of been exonerated..
I'd have no problem with a salary cap, if it was in any way practical. It's a salary cap that's linked entirely to revenues that's the problem. If the rags can only spend as much on wages as Wolves, bring it on.
100% we need salary cap, sensible equitable trf cap wach year, all the same actoss the division. Make the hame so much better IF all equal
Possibly, but I’ve personally been involved with an internal investigation, where I was essentially being accused of fraud by a business. Let’s just say I was being stitched up & when I supplied my evidence after the investigation had been completed, the back tracking by the company was fucking hilarious. Basically, their evidence & investigation was flawed

Let’s just wait & see eh?

Apologies if this has been posted already I have read lots of the thread but can’t keep up whilst trying to work. The below is taken from the PL website.

‘Any serious breach of the Rule Book results in an independent three-person tribunal sitting to hear the case, ascertain guilt and set the punishment, which can range from fines to points deductions and, in extreme cases, expulsion from the competition (this has never happened in the history of the Premier League).’

So, the question is how ‘independent’ are these three people? Seems, like UEFA, they are the investigators, the judges and they decide the punishment.
Funny you should mention independent’ as my first question to the ‘independent’ consultant brought in to investigate me was ‘who’s paying you?’

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