PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

American publications desperately trying to direct attention.

Somethings afoot. Something that’ll make the Americans look bad or is currently making them look bad. United being utter utter turgidly shit? Maybe, but maybe something bigger is bubbling.

You sound like one of those demented Russell brand fans trying to figure out the secret reason why he’s getting his comeuppance now.

If this was being timed to overshadow United’s problems, don’t you think it would have been published…any time in the last 3 weeks when United’s mismanagement of rapists, child sex offenders, domestic abusers and shit results were on the back pages every single day?
The Premier League are essentially accusing a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family of submitting fraudulent accounts over a prolonged period in the UK, something that is vehemently denied. Of course that is going to be brought up at a diplomatic level.

But all the usual suspects will pick-up on the question posed in the Athletic with glee and will be set in stone forever and repeated ad infinitum.

"We asked Manchester City whether they had any comment in relation to the fact such correspondence exists and that if they are not state-owned or funded, then why are the UK government concerned about jeopardising relations between the UK and UAE?"

But all the usual suspects will pick-up on the question posed in the Athletic with glee and will be set in stone forever and repeated ad infinitum.

"We asked Manchester City whether they had any comment in relation to the fact such correspondence exists and that if they are not state-owned or funded, then why are the UK government concerned about jeopardising relations between the UK and UAE?"
That is a question for the government and not for City. If they do require an answer however, I would suggest that the Premier League, effectively accusing a member of a royal family, from a country we have close political ties, and a trading relationship with, of systematic fraud in the UK over a prolonged period of time, irrespective of whether in a personal capacity or acting on behalf of a state, is worthy of some concern over future relations.

But all the usual suspects will pick-up on the question posed in the Athletic with glee and will be set in stone forever and repeated ad infinitum.

"We asked Manchester City whether they had any comment in relation to the fact such correspondence exists and that if they are not state-owned or funded, then why are the UK government concerned about jeopardising relations between the UK and UAE?"
We will definitely see this repeated many many times over the next 48 hours
American publications desperately trying to direct attention.

Somethings afoot. Something that’ll make the Americans look bad or is currently making them look bad. United being utter utter turgidly shit? Maybe, but maybe something bigger is bubbling.
Joe Biden is bubbling........... every time he tries to get a complete sentence out....
Government officials speaking to the rulers of another country about an organisation effectively labelling them cheats with possible criminal ramifications?

Well fuck me sideways, next you'll be telling me that they talk about money and stuff as well. Groundbreaking stuff as usual from the PATHETIC
Fixed for you

But all the usual suspects will pick-up on the question posed in the Athletic with glee and will be set in stone forever and repeated ad infinitum.

"We asked Manchester City whether they had any comment in relation to the fact such correspondence exists and that if they are not state-owned or funded, then why are the UK government concerned about jeopardising relations between the UK and UAE?"

A spokesman for CFG replied "I don't know, it's fuck all to do with us as we are a privately owned organisation.'
The Premier League are essentially accusing a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family of submitting fraudulent accounts over a prolonged period in the UK, something that is vehemently denied. Of course that is going to be brought up at a diplomatic level.

If a very prominent citizen from country A is accused of misdeeds in country B, misdeeds being strenuously denied by said citizen, then the foreign office/ embassy of country A would raise them with officials of country B. That is very normal and to be expected.

If will happened many many times over the years between many countries. The fact that the Athletic are treating this as a revelation or a story of any worth is pathetic. It’s throwing red meat to the ignorant.
They are just preparing the ladder for the climb down, I am not surprised this has come out, it was very clumsy of the PL to do this without consulting the government first, in fact by the looks of it, it was all very rushed and not thought out, done in a fit of pique

I find it extraordinary that the government and civil service have not intervened, accusing a company owned by an person involved with the ruling of a key ally and supplier of energy (and buyer of arms) of what is effectively criminal behavior is never a good thing, as i have always said this will be quietly put to one side and we shall never talk about it again

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