PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If we were going to use political pressure to escape punishment on these charges, why didnt we we use pressure 4 years ago to not get charged in the first place?

Hypothetically, of course, you use influence when you have to, you don't just waste it on the offchance something may happen. Imho.
You dont think they are re-opening Etihad, PB?

The only reason I ask is that the "erroneous accounts" referals are for 2009-2018. The other three issues don't cover all those years, do they? Unless they are saying the cumulative effect of those three on the share capital / retained loss split in itself prevents a true and fair view in every subsequent year which, to me at least, is a bit of a stretch given the amounts involved.
I very much doubt they're re-opening Etihad, unless they think they can do something with the time-barred payments. But given the purpose of this is seemingly to throw mud, rather than make any meaningful point, who knows.
There would be one problem with this scenario.
If it were to be proven that we were using "friends in high places" to have effectively threatened to withdraw investment in the UK as a tool in these "charges", the press and resultant fall-out would be astronomical.......... and ad infinitum. A political shit-storm in the making and the ruination of our club. Khaldoun is not stupid.
Therefore, never going to happen.
How will it be proven ? Do you really think the government instructing the Premier league to drop all charges for the good of the nation will be leaked to the press, absolutely no chance , this will go away quietly , the Premier league will back down on a technicality or lack of evidence or whatever reason they choose to save face, HM Government will certainly not be letting the media get wind of any decision or interference.
This is definitely going to happen , the UK cannot afford to upset the UAE Royal family by calling them liars ,cheats and frauds , there is a bigger picture and its far bigger than the game of football.
The exact opposite, the charges girded our collective loins. Owners, board, senior management, playing staff, coaching staff, supporters, dinner ladies.

We don't win the treble without these charges being brought. We don't win three in a row. We don't see record revenues, and we possibly don't see the NS extension. We wouldn't see The Etihad becoming the feared fortress it has become. We might not have signed the world superstar who leads our line.

SPECTACULAR own goal by the red shirt history bastards.

Bring on some more I say, make it a nice round 200 charges. That should see us take the 4 in a row, back to back trebles and sign-off on the East & West stand expansions.

In fact, fuck it...make it 400 charges, lets have a 10 year party.
It’s also keeping Pep wanting to be here for the moment his friends are acquitted completely.

Can we make it a 20 year party?
It's pretty obvious there's a relentless attack on City. This makes our success over the past years an admirable achievement. The arseholes probably have a weekly anti City committee, working out what dastardly thing they can do next.
Absolutely , we have been attacked for over a decade our accounts forensically examined by all and sundry , i am just waiting for the Premier league to start investigating other clubs , it was well known the the Dippers produced an invoice for £50m for research in to building a new stadium on Stanley Park a few years ago to beat FFP , so where is the Premier league investigation for this or when their coaching staff hacked our computers again no action from the Premier league
Quite sure if the Premier league spent a similar amount of time and energy on the other 19 clubs in the league they would find something dodgy at every club , we appear to be a special case and we know why , the red 'istree clubs are hurting and are now becoming depserate to get back to the summit , the only way they can do this is off the pitch , because on the field play they are all a million miles away from us.
Can't stop laughing at the spectacular own goal from the Premier League, the longer it drags on the more they look complete and utter fools.
The red mardarse cunts are running out of options to chop us down.

The bile and piss boiling on social media about the possibility of us getting off is an absolute joy to read, some of the comments/posts/tweets must be written by 12 year old, proper childish immature reactions that make no sense whatsoever.

More I say more.
I think if the club don't want to comment on this article or others they should redirect the press questions to;
Media Duscussion
Bluemoon forum
But bar them from the match day thread as that would give the impression Bluemoon is frequented by one or two fruit cakes ;-)
PS. But maybe some journalists would fit right in there.
FFS fruitcakes.
And I do get that and ultimately football is a dirty game behind the scenes nowadays. I don’t think there ever should be leverage, be it in the game or political though. I’ve spent years arguing that about our rivals, it’d be hypocritical of me to change that view now!
Maybe I’m missing something MB, but I saw it as Uk government talking to their own embassy.

I’m not saying there aren’t any other interested parties, but you can hardly just assume the missing details. That’s no better than the accusations against us already, that drive us mad with, well…. Missing details all being assumed.

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