PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

A sizeable number of Russians don't recognise Ukraine as anything other than part of Russia, as it had been for hundreds of years, for them Ukraine is just a difficult Russian province that broke away with the support of western imperialists, when Mother Russia was temporarily weakened by the fall of the Soviet Union.

Morality concerns the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour. So Putin could, at a stretch, ask "what could be more right for a Russian patriot than to make Mother Russia whole again?" But it would be a very big stretch. For Ukrainian self determination to have currency in Russia, it would require Putin and others to recognise Ukraine as an independent sovereign nation, but for many Russians Ukraine is not a sovereign nation, it is simply part of Russia, history shows that, so self determination is a moot point, it is not applicable and consequently so is any question of right and wrong.

Self-determination denotes the legal right of people to decide their own destiny in the international order. Self-determination is a core principle of international law, arising from customary international law, but also recognised as a general principle of law, and enshrined in a number of international treaties.

So if the Russian majority in those parts of Ukraine presently occupied by Russian forces decided, in a free and fair vote, to join Russia are you okay with that? Or perhaps the fact that Russia first invaded and drew arbitrary lines to gerrymander such a majority would invalidate such a vote? But then Russia considers Ukraine's borders as entirely arbitrary anyway! So down the rabbit hole we go.

I'll tell you what self determination is, it's the ability to draw a line on a map, hold the territory within it, and the people inside the lines to freely call it their own, and you need, and this is most important, powerful allies at your back to support you, that's what the Ukrainians are fighting for. it's what Kurds want too, except they don't have the ability to draw those lines and no powerful friends to help them.

It's all very well talking about "legal rights of people", you have to be recognised as a distinct people first by countries with clout, that's why Pep did this....

A small step, but an important one that Catalan is recognised as an EU official language.

To create a nation state and to hold it together in the face of external and internal threats to its existence is no small feat, ask the Israelis. The ideal state is one of unified purpose, and if not then consent and at the very least compliance, but be under no illusion, a young state exists only if powerful external forces support its existence. Right now that support for Ukraine is under strain and we will see over the coming months just how strong that support is, and if Ukraine folds for lack of support it'll all be down to geopolitics. Right and wrong, questions of morality, they're all points of discussion, but there are no absolutes here.

PS: Perhaps you could start a thread about the moral position of the United States in September 1939, or August 1914.

History tells you that Genocide, followed by the deliberate supplantation of loyal, convenient idiots does not equal legitimacy
Does seem a bit odd that this has gone very quiet. Has it been sorted behind closed doors or is this timescale of it taking years actually right?
Does seem a bit odd that this has gone very quiet. Has it been sorted behind closed doors or is this timescale of it taking years actually right?
Probably drag on,surprised something hasn’t come out after the arsenal loss as in a leak of some sort waffling again about stripping club of titles bollocks or something,all about disrupting..
This process dragging on for years definitely isn't a good thing for the club. As it stands it's just 'there' in the background constantly and no matter how many times we say it's all bollocks it doesn't change that.

As there are only a small number of core charges once you strip out the multiple non cooperation ones you'd expect that it could be completed within a year. If it isn't my feeling would be that the PL are confident that they have a very strong case against us.
This process dragging on for years definitely isn't a good thing for the club. As it stands it's just 'there' in the background constantly and no matter how many times we say it's all bollocks it doesn't change that.

As there are only a small number of core charges once you strip out the multiple non cooperation ones you'd expect that it could be completed within a year. If it isn't my feeling would be that the PL are confident that they have a very strong case against us.
Uefa apparently had a “strong” case and subsequently banned us from competing in Europe until CAS declared that stolen, spliced emails did not reflect reality. So no disguised owner investment.

The premier is looking into the areas that Uefa could not mainly time barred. Hell they are even trying to persecute the club for failing ffp regs before ffp came into effect.

I would like to think that due to Uefa’s relentless attack, city have been very careful with all financial aspects. Yes we made a few mistakes re some badly worded emails but I would be shocked to think that still goes on now.

The interpretation of said financial was backed up by audited accounts and by senior figures within those external companies. Not some media witch hunt orchestrated by sporting rivals and journalistic nut jobs.

Additionally, the clubs reputation has been slaughtered for years with not one ounce of evidence to determine guilt. Why is it deemed guilty to defend oneself using the proper mechanisms available?

The whole shitshow reminds me of when you read stories about alleged sexual offenders being named in the media and the subsequent 24/7 rolling guilt narrative before the case goes to court. By the time the verdict is reached the alleged offender is already deemed guilty by society. Some times that person or in this case business is not actually guilty of the crime levied. Sometimes they erm get off on a technicality cough cough.

The opposition may not like how we have manoeuvred the club to achieve success when other top clubs are somewhat floundering but it’s hardly the crime of the century. Hate, jealousy, fear all lead to the red side -:)

Case closed. City win the red tops lose, oh I love singing the blues.
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This process dragging on for years definitely isn't a good thing for the club. As it stands it's just 'there' in the background constantly and no matter how many times we say it's all bollocks it doesn't change that.

As there are only a small number of core charges once you strip out the multiple non cooperation ones you'd expect that it could be completed within a year. If it isn't my feeling would be that the PL are confident that they have a very strong case against us.
Is it possible that even if we are found to be 100 percent not guilty that it will then go away?

I don't think so.

Let's just get used to being the City that the media hate and the PL don't want.
Our success has increased their feelings rather than eroding their dislike.

Two things will bring about change from our enemies, firstly ownership change or secondly our demise regarding on and off field success. Neither are likely when they continue to tweak our collective tails.

Just an opinion but time may bring change anyway.
History tells you that Genocide, followed by the deliberate supplantation of loyal, convenient idiots does not equal legitimacy

What does it equal? A vassal state? Like Belarus? Belarus exists because Russia allows it to exist as a subservient vassal state. This war might very well mean that even that token independence will be wiped away and the country subsumed into Russia.

Ukraine is paying the price of NATO's eastward creep and the paranoia that stoked in the Kremlin. And as it became clear that the Ukrainians wouldn't settle for the Belarus model, that there'd be no Finlandisation for Ukraine, then as night follows day it was inevitable that Russia would invade.

That is not a justification of the Russian invasion, just an explanation of how the world works, has always worked. Small countries join NATO for that very reason, they cede their defence and a chunk of their foreign policy to a big beast for the comfort of knowing its a deterrence to another big beast on their doorstep.

The same principles are being played out in an elaborate game of chicken in the South China Sea.

This war might be dripping with the language of sovereignty and legitimacy, but that's just for show, power politics through the millennia tells you that when a young weak state borders a resentful powerful one, they better do one of two things, find powerful friends and quick or bow their head.
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What does it equal? A vassal state? Like Belarus? Belarus exists because Russia allows it to exist as a subservient vassal state. This war might very well mean that even that token independence will be wiped away and the country subsumed into Russia.

Ukraine is paying the price of flirting with NATO and EU membership, it didn't want the Belarus model, no Finlandisation for Ukraine, fair enough, then as night follows day it was inevitable that Russia would invade.

That is not a justification of the Russian invasion, just an explanation of how the world works, has always worked. Small countries join NATO for that very reason, they cede their defence and a chunk of their foreign policy to a big beast for the comfort of knowing its a deterrence to another big beast on their doorstep.

The same principles are being played out in an elaborate game of chicken in the South China Sea.

This war might be dripping with the language of sovereignty and legitimacy, but that's just for show, power politics through the millennia tells you that when a young weak state borders a resentful powerful one, they better do one of two things, find powerful friends and quick or bow their head.
Scotland says hi.
our case seems to be happening at a snails pace. can see it taking 2/3 years.

but Everton has their date set later this month I think for some panel hearing on their FFP charges where they spent much more than whatever their limit was.
they really spent a lot with generally rubbish results, no EL/CL income at all, big losses each year, they kind of saying it was due to covid but all clubs were hit by covid in various ways.
seems like this case is more black or white than ours wonder how this ends.

can see some points deduction for Everton applied already this season but that will just make media asking PL to do the same with us and fast track our case lol.

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