PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You are right to say that in some cases, procedures allow the parties to 'settle' intended charges of misconduct, but that is not a universal practice. In some cases, charges are brought without giving the other side a chance to negotiate a settlement. You have the simple choice of accepting the charges or fighting them.
My point wasn't so much about settlement, it's more about charges being brought with no supporting evidence.

You clarified your earlier post which is more in line with my understanding that the Claimant makes the claim (brings charges), discloses the evidence to the defendant, if the defendant accepts the claim/charges they agree a settlement or accept the punishment, but if there's no settlement or acceptance because the claim is disputed partially or in full, only then does the judiciary trial process begin.

As things stand, all that's happened is an accusation's been made, charges lodged, but no supporting evidence disclosed to the defendant.

From my experience that would never happen in any kind of civil, criminal or tribunal case.

How can City defend themselves based on accusations without evidence disclosure?

The PL have jumped the gun & put the cart before the horse after being panicked by government plans to form an IFR.

There's no other way I can see this farce.
They want to discredit our achievements they know that once found innocent the view will be that we paid them off The mission has been accomplished

I think a bit of reverse psychology is in need where we ask in advance isn’t it possible we just pay them off. They are so desperate to tell everyone we are doomed to relegation they’ll have to say no way would we be able to pay them off.
Just read a really comical post on Facebook from some Liverpool fan pledging solidarity with Everton but wants the book thrown at City so Stevie G could get his medal
ah that would be the liverpool wankbank wouldnt it, they are so earth shatteringly stupid i cant fathom whether it is absolute fantastic parody or they genuinely need help

Martin Lipton has said the ruling could be as early as next year (I assume he means calendar year), not sure whether he has been briefed or not.

Stefan is quoted in the article.

Of course, if this bit about Everton is true, it will expose the lie about FFP once and for all. The idea that it was about clubs not going bust and then a PL ruling puts Everton into administration and thus a docking of another 9 points, likely relegation and possible ruination of them tells you all you need to know. Saddest bit is that some Everton supporters and ex players are still saying ‘but what about City’ instead of smelling the coffee.
The other thing to remember about Everton is that if they’d finished 3 places higher in the last 3 seasons, they wouldn’t have been guilty of anything.…
My point wasn't so much about settlement, it's more about charges being brought with no supporting evidence.

You clarified your earlier post which is more in line with my understanding that the Claimant makes the claim (brings charges), discloses the evidence to the defendant, if the defendant accepts the claim/charges they agree a settlement or accept the punishment, but if there's no settlement or acceptance because the claim is disputed partially or in full, only then does the judiciary trial process begin.

As things stand, all that's happened is an accusation's been made, charges lodged, but no supporting evidence disclosed to the defendant.

From my experience that would never happen in any kind of civil, criminal or tribunal case.

How can City defend themselves based on accusations without evidence disclosure?

The PL have jumped the gun & put the cart before the horse after being panicked by government plans to form an IFR.

There's no other way I can see this farce.
It’s all so unbelievable - how can this be allowed to happen? Why can’t the club object to this unregulated process & get it thrown out instead of having to wait years for the PL to decide how they are going to proceed
The Premier league would be safer looking for a settlement at this point. Release some placid statement saying the thorough in-depth investigation has reached a satisfactory conclusion. By satisfied, we have ruined their reputation and stained the club all at the behest of the red tops. We found no direct evidence of any illegally payments but 1 email stating the funds were paid for by HH to Etihad and we gleefully assumed guilt and hanging and subsequently ignored the accounts and statements from external executives.

Cont…if they dirty Arab club had of produced the evidence requested at the time all this would have been avoided. So we have no choice but to fine £100m in erm bribe money.

#fair play
#equal competition

2 min later, Arsenal will release a statement stating that they will be going to the Uefa conference league with the rags to play in the Thursday morning hate city cup sponsorship by GPC, Gill, Glazers and hicks.
If it were an 'independent commission' that has decided to dock Everton 10points for their transgressions (which appears excessive and unfair on the face of it). What gives us confidence that we will be treated fairly by a similar process? Is it as simple as Everton were obviously and factually guilty of breaches whilst the burden of proof in our favour makes it very difficult for the commission to find us guilty?

Have to say that the Everton ruling has made me less confident that this will be a fair process.
it was never going to be a fair process right from the start so why lose confidence ? this is nothing more than a kangaroo court anyway. Thats why i hope City have enough evidence and such like on other clubs/the prem/pgmol in case we have to fight like the third monkey walking up the gangplank to the Ark and its just started raining!!!
the problem with that strategy is that it usually indicates one of two things, it either indicates an absolute slam dunk of a case where they have no intention of letting the settle because everything is so watertight OR that the evidence is so shaky that you have gone for shock and awe tactics to make the other party so nervous that they take the charges because the other parties perceived confidence is so much that it isnt worth fighting which is the tactic of the bully, i would suggest the pl case falls very much into the latter category.
The issue is that you'd be crazy to accept any charges unless presented with cast iron evidence which you'd be mad to not plead guilty to.

As it stands, all that's happened is an accusation's been publicly thrown at us, without a shred of supporting evidence.

We've got nothing to say guilty, partially guilty or not guilty to.
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