PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It’s certainly tarnishing our reputation. We are pre judged in the court of public opinion as guilty or post facto guilty of paying off the EPL if not sanctioned .

If you look at Citys latest figures it doesn't seem to be tarnishing our reputation in the financial world.
Mate, charges are usually brought when all the evidence has been gathered & ready to be presented.

The mere fact it's estimated the PL are still investigating us after 5 years, & a hearing will take between 2-4 years to come to fruition, shows this whole FFP charade against City is built on bullshit, & designed to prove there's no need for an independent regulator.

If it was City asking for a 2-4 year delay to construct a defence, then I'd be seriously worried. )(
they're not, from the offset we have said we have a body of irrefutable evidence in support of our position

that's a big call in support of where we stand if we were blagging
This holds water if the debt incurred is levied against the club, hence putting it's future in doubt. This was the original intention of UEFA's debt management proposals in 2002, but which were thrown out in 2009 & changed for the current FFP model we have today which was meant to stifle competition from City & retain the hegemony of the elite clubs.

City's situation was completely different. We have a minted owner who cleared our debt & invested HIS OWN money to build the club we have today.

If HRH got bored & walked away, City are already a self sustaining model of excellence, so the club would be in little danger of folding.

Let's say we weren't financially performing as well as we are, at worst we'd have to sell our high earners & cut our cloth accordingly.

That would be us being financially prudent & is where FFP should come in to ensure those left at the club don't gamble it's existence on huge commercial borrowing in the hope it brings success to cover the costs.

The difference with City is HRH has used his own money, so if he stands the losses personally without leveraging the debt against City, that's his business, hence why FFP is overtly self serving to the G14 & old Sky Four & unashamedly bent.

Yep our owner put in his own money till 2015 and from then we been self sufficient
Does anyone think the Premier might just be dragging this out knowing full well the independent regulator will be taking over? Then they can say it had nothing to do with them when it gets dropped.
What started as a witch hunt against City has opened Pandoras box. It has become about power and politics. All this huffing and puffing and orchestrated media hysteria at the mention of a regulator and the ploy of appearing tough and able to manage its affairs increasingly looks like a deflection tactic by the Premier League.

The first thing a regulator will do is look at the structure, governance and running of the Premier League. The American owned teams in red supported by a couple of others, were instigators in the creation of the PL and even now appear to still hold undue influence in protecting their interests over other members.

The Premier League may be a competition where members agree to abide by the rules except they are still bound by English law and business practices. It has too high an international profile not to come under scrutiny with ever increasing tv, visitor, commercial and betting interests.

The stakes are high. If a regulator did uncover evidence of breaches, discrimination, cartels, corruption or being simply not fit for purpose then FFP goes out the window and there will be some very worried people.
Sadly I don’t think it will happen, but. When City are found not guilty they should go after the PL(especially), United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Spurs, etc for all colluding together to try and destroy City. City should also go for all the papers and their journalists, etc, who have constantly accused City of cheating. We all know who they are. Khaldoon is a man of his word, and he said we know who is behind this campaign, and when it’s over, and City have won, we will have retribution and justice.
They'll hope that they can just say "yeah, we found City guilty, here's the punishment" and that City will slunk off dejectedly. But as I stated earlier, that would be the Premier League, a sporting body in England, claiming that a diplomat/Royal and deputy prime minister of another nation, is a fraudulent cheat.

City and the UAE are not just going to accept having one of their most senior and respected officials being slandered in this manner without seeing the conclusion of their investigation. There would be diplomatic discussions between our own elected leaders and representatives and theirs about seeking clarity and demanding to have the findings from the PL made public to see why they came to that conclusion so that they could contest it.

The PL think they're dealing with Nortown FC sponsored by Betty's Burgers and they should toe the line.
A guilty verdict would send this into the stratosphere, politically speaking, and for the PL to withhold their findings from scrutiny would end up causing an international diplomatic row.
Always thought the same , basically they will be calling Mansour and Khaldoon liars . This goes well beyond a football club .
I don't disagree with your points about Everton or City in respect of FFP.

The point I'm making is that the idea of suing a commercial rival for sustaining losses, which were ultimately funded by its ownership, exists in no other UK industry, as far as I'm aware.

Anyway, I'm no lawyer (I work in finance) but I can't imagine an independent regulator would look too kindly on it.
I think the aim of the PL and UEFA is to make sure their product is valuable and desirable and I guess that wouldn't be the case if you let someone like Newcastle spend £50bn on the best players and they win the league by 20 points each year. So the point of these caps is to ensure we don't basically get a farmer's league, which as you can see has been extremely successful in Germany (hahaha) which is ironically the country where the investigations against City's alleged breaches originated......
Prestwich_Blue tells it as it is....

Having just listen to this. The 10 points reduction of Everton is fucking ridiculous, 20 million short fall when building their new stadium. How much over budget did the fa go when building Wembley or St georges park ?

20mill is peanuts in football

Still after listening to that I honestly still dont see what the pl have on City.

But I still cant understand how you can fail UEFA ffp but still be within the pl ffp, yet be clear of UEFA ffp but be charged by the pl ffp
It’s all so unbelievable - how can this be allowed to happen? Why can’t the club object to this unregulated process & get it thrown out instead of having to wait years for the PL to decide how they are going to proceed
I suppose we've adopted the position of not interrupting our enemies whilst they're busy making mistakes.

Whilst this is evidently damaging our reputation as things stand, if these accusations & charges amount to nothing & an independent regulator is formed anyway, the PL & the Hateful Eight will look like the self serving idiotic crooks they are.

The PL haven't become the biggest league in the world by being idiots. However what I can see is a desperate organisation who've lost their shit & are lashing out with haymakers hoping one hits us on the button & sparks us out.

It's no different to an elite boxer losing his shit & going he'll for leather, but exhausting himself & being prone to a knockout from an innocuous jab.

City are the smart cookie counter puncher just preserving our energy, whilst the other arsehole punches himself out. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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