PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I agree, but don't shit on Everton. They're a big club in their own right too.. This whole FFP is a load of bollocks, for City.. AND Everton!
Yep and Everton appealing this successfully and getting the penalty drastically reduced shuts up a lot of our haters, including in the media, who are screaming about precedent and 115*10 bollocks

There is a chance all that noise could influence the decision, even in a tiny way, so we’re better off without it
I agree, but don't shit on Everton. They're a big club in their own right too.. This whole FFP is a load of bollocks, for City.. AND Everton!
Hmmm, Everton played Billy big bollocks and voted for FFP. As much as I sympathise with them , they were like any other of our detractors until the Mosh fella wasted hundreds of millions, and they deemed it acceptable when they spent money to try and catch up. But wholeheartedly agree about FFP, it’s bullshit , and always has been , i sympathise to a certain degree ,they were full of bile when we snatched Lescott , and a particular league cup quarter proved how bitter they were at the time.
The PL is only playing hardnose cause the independant regulator is up in the air right now.. If it washes over, the PL will come to an agreement with City soon after.
The PL is only playing hardnose cause the independant regulator is up in the air right now.. If it washes over, the PL will come to an agreement with City soon after.
The unfair punishment meted out to Everton will only hasten the introduction of a new regulator. The people running the PL (especially Masters) are only interested in themselves. It's hard to believe that they would act in bad faith but the reality is that has been happening for years. Our commercial rivals LFC and MUFC have an unhealthy influence on English football and it has also corrupted elements of the media. Directors of those clubs have been carrying out toxic briefings about City to their favoured journalists for years. It started with UEFA and is still happening.
I just wonder if it’s more to do with City wanting a full exoneration, not even a little pinch. The PL wont agree to that because they need to give the baying red shirts the little bit of blood they require.
I’d be happy if red scouse, the shite and the tarquins pissed off to a euro super league and we never had their shit fans and clubs sully our stadium again.
Although having said that, giving the rags regular dickings is nice.
The unfair punishment meted out to Everton will only hasten the introduction of a new regulator. The people running the PL (especially Masters) are only interested in themselves. It's hard to believe that they would act in bad faith but the reality is that has been happening for years. Our commercial rivals LFC and MUFC have an unhealthy influence on English football and it has also corrupted elements of the media. Directors of those clubs have been carrying out toxic briefings about City to their favoured journalists for years. It started with UEFA and is still happening.

This is it exactly. The redshirt shite and now the Yanks have had a stranglehold over football in this country for too long. That's why that prick Masters was voted to run it. The letter the hated 8/9 wrote is further proof a regulator is needed. They have too much power.
I just hope the regulator is vetted thoroughly by independent group who’s also been vetted thoroughly. You can’t trust anyone in football these days.
Everton's 10-point deduction by the Premier League has been taken to Parliament after a Liverpool MP called the punishment "grossly unfair".

Ian Byrne, Labour MP for West Derby, has tabled an early day motion (EDM) in the House of Commons which will be laid on Tuesday for other MPs to consider.
In the motion, Byrne requested the "suspension of all proceedings and sanctions made by the Commission until the regulator makes its own determination".

He added: "This House condemns the grossly unjust points deduction imposed on Everton Football Club by a Premier League commission.

"A punishment lacking any legal or equitable foundation or justification for the level of sanction and notes that financial, not sporting penalties, for far more severe breaches have been applied.

"[The motion] declares that sporting sanctions unfairly punish supporters and notices the improper dismissal of extraordinary mitigating circumstances outlined by Everton."

Earlier on Monday, mayor of Liverpool Steve Rotheram wrote to Premier League chief executive Richard Masters regarding the "wholly disproportionate" and "unprecedented" points deduction.


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