PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Everton's 10-point deduction by the Premier League has been taken to Parliament after a Liverpool MP called the punishment "grossly unfair".

Ian Byrne, Labour MP for West Derby, has tabled an early day motion (EDM) in the House of Commons which will be laid on Tuesday for other MPs to consider.
In the motion, Byrne requested the "suspension of all proceedings and sanctions made by the Commission until the regulator makes its own determination".

He added: "This House condemns the grossly unjust points deduction imposed on Everton Football Club by a Premier League commission.

"A punishment lacking any legal or equitable foundation or justification for the level of sanction and notes that financial, not sporting penalties, for far more severe breaches have been applied.

"[The motion] declares that sporting sanctions unfairly punish supporters and notices the improper dismissal of extraordinary mitigating circumstances outlined by Everton."

Earlier on Monday, mayor of Liverpool Steve Rotheram wrote to Premier League chief executive Richard Masters regarding the "wholly disproportionate" and "unprecedented" points deduction.

That’ll never work….they forgot to mention City : )
I just wonder if it’s more to do with City wanting a full exoneration, not even a little pinch. The PL wont agree to that because they need to give the baying red shirts the little bit of blood they require.
I’d be happy if red scouse, the shite and the tarquins pissed off to a euro super league and we never had their shit fans and clubs sully our stadium again.
Although having said that, giving the ra
This is it exactly. The redshirt shite and now the Yanks have had a stranglehold over football in this country for too long. That's why that prick Masters was voted to run it. The letter the hated 8/9 wrote is further proof a regulator is needed. They have too much powe

On and off the pitch were well ahead of the cartel clubs and the gap continues to grow.
They are sleep walking to nowhere (particularly the rags) and not seeing what's coming up behind them.
Out of the top 20 richest clubs in Europe,11 are English.
They won what they won in the nineties because they were the flag bearers for the premier League, received global tv exposure.
The only competition they had was a couple of seasons from Blackburn and a bit more later on when Venger turned up at Arsenal.
The civil and criminal acts of fraud amount to the same thing. They are an intention to dishonestly make a representation in order to make a gain or make someone subject to a loss.

The differences are the court setting, the standard of proof, rules of evidence, the legal person bringing the action and the scope and purpose of the sanction against the offending party.

Edit: intention to make a dishonest representation is possibly tautological!

It's a new day, so a new question. Sorry for this, but trying to get things straight in my mind. The law frequently makes no sense to me.

Wouldn't it be usual for a case that has both civil and criminal components to be tried first in the criminal courts to determine the criminal act, before for the civil action is heard?

If not, surely it would be very strange that a civil court imposes damages on a defendant for what it considers to be a criminal act, only for the criminal courts to determine there was no criminality in the first place? Especially when the damages imposed could be effectively existential towards the defendant?

Two questions, sorry.
Newcastle fan here...

The moment Dan Ashworth spoke on Newcastle loaning players from Saudia - PIF loaning to PIF - the Premier League hold a meeting.

I feel that as soon as we (Newcastle/Saudi) pose a threat, or make a move - for example loaning Ruben Neves - the PL (Americans:Arsenal,ManU,Liverpool) get shit scared.

Ruben Neves to Newcastle is classic media transfer 2+2 - however it would be passible legally.
It's a new day, so a new question. Sorry for this, but trying to get things straight in my mind. The law frequently makes no sense to me.

Wouldn't it be usual for a case that has both civil and criminal components to be tried first in the criminal courts to determine the criminal act, before for the civil action is heard?

If not, surely it would be very strange that a civil court imposes damages on a defendant for what it considers to be a criminal act, only for the criminal courts to determine there was no criminality in the first place? Especially when the damages imposed could be effectively existential towards the defendant?

Two questions, sorry.
No because the standard of proof is different- and so just because it’s been met in a civil setting doesn’t mean it would be in a criminal one.

It’s actually quite common for people who haven’t been prosecuted to be subject to civil damages arising out of the same facts.
It's a new day, so a new question. Sorry for this, but trying to get things straight in my mind. The law frequently makes no sense to me.

Wouldn't it be usual for a case that has both civil and criminal components to be tried first in the criminal courts to determine the criminal act, before for the civil action is heard?

If not, surely it would be very strange that a civil court imposes damages on a defendant for what it considers to be a criminal act, only for the criminal courts to determine there was no criminality in the first place? Especially when the damages imposed could be effectively existential towards the defendant?

Two questions,
After two long winded attempts to answer I found this explanation which sums it up far more succinctly than my attempts
Edit - just noticed it’s an American piece but the mechanics are the same.
The M/cr Evening News just set me on the edge of a heart attack with its headline "City to be stripped of Premier League titles?" I missed the question mark and read on to find the article say that this is in fact "unlikely." But bastards, tossers and rag-lovers (who continue to this day to defy the alphabet by putting "Man u****d" before "Man City" in their headings), it made me drop my McVities in my tea and my yell of anguish woke the missus, here at gone midnight in the usa.
One thing apparent about all of this is with the likes of Uefa and the Premier League clamouring to have financial fair play implemented in their competitions and for who’s vested interest it was introduced for. They have now probably put the road map in place for the death of top level English football and European club football in its current form and under their stewardship.

If they don’t turn City into the sacrificial lamb United, Liverpool etc will be off to form a super league with both those clubs as the major stake holders. They bounce the likes of City and Chelsea down to division four and allow clubs to come for Everton for legal action they have opened up a Pandora’s box of a never ending spiral of blame and claim that will end up with clubs going under and destroying English football. The premier leagues product will be dead either way, all to protect two clubs who believe they should be sat on top of the English game forever and shouldn’t face any challenge to stay there.

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