PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If you look on social media you will see posts that show the rulings underlined in yellow so the accusers can easily see the rulings. The haters just ignore them and carry on because they just want a guilty verdict, they have no interest in the truth.

The number of msm hacks outraged at Klopp's shower having an inconvenient k.o. time is beyond belief. No mention of the reason, and even so-called top journos like Marcotti while telling Klopp he should take it up with his club for agreeing the present deal, failed to mention the behaviour of Liverpool supporters as the reason why it's a midday kick off.

Scum bags chasing clicks for money are the main reason for the hate stirred up between fans. They have a lot to answer for.

You last paragraph is spot on. The press/media are stirring up hate and are happy to do it.

If the dippers coach attack had happened in the 70's and 80's it would have been on National news all week. The Prime minister would be calling for the dippers to be kick out. The press/media would be calling for arrests.

Instead Hillsborough happened and it gave the dippers their get out of jail card. And fucking hell dont they play it. Press/media wont say a word against them. Ex player can even spit in young girls face and keep his job.

It fucking stinks
If you look on social media you will see posts that show the rulings underlined in yellow so the accusers can easily see the rulings. The haters just ignore them and carry on because they just want a guilty verdict, they have no interest in the truth.

The number of msm hacks outraged at Klopp's shower having an inconvenient k.o. time is beyond belief. No mention of the reason, and even so-called top journos like Marcotti while telling Klopp he should take it up with his club for agreeing the present deal, failed to mention the behaviour of Liverpool supporters as the reason why it's a midday kick off.

Scum bags chasing clicks for money are the main reason for the hate stirred up between fans. They have a lot to answer for.
Given we are playing them isn’t our kick off time the same as theirs?
Its why every opposition fan states we got off cause things were time barred. They don't actually read the CAS findings that clears us of everything they did judge on apart from non co operation, more importantly that they didn't make a judgement over time barred charges due to them being exactly that.

The media pedal that means we are guilty but no charges due to being time barred when reality is we could be just as 'not guilty' on those charges as the charges they did rule on and cleared us on.

Reality is 99.9% of any opposition fans commenting on the CAS judgement haven't read a single word of it and take their facts from the likes of the daily mail and carragher.
Actually, CAS covered the two time barred items orbiter dicta, effectively clearing us of both.
It is another example of the power of the press. Last time at CAS, I don't think there was more than one 'journalist' that punted the idea that we may even be innocent of the charges and post verdict, why we had not cooperated.
The takeaway from the verdict wasn't the 11 times the panel used the word innocent, but the idea, we somehow got off!

Move on a couple of years, and it is all happening again and the 'ordinary ' football supporter doesn't question all these hacks, will most likely be wrong again.

The public have a short memory (see political journalism) and see what they want to, but these feckers fuel it and are the reason there is so much hate in the world - and certainly football.

and the press know full well that the majority of football fans wont actually bother to read the CAS findings for themselves, so that allows the press to script the narrative they want to portray and lead
Why don't the red shirts sign some dodgy accountants. Because according to them that's what wins titles.
The scum have loads of dodgy accountants, they all live in the Caymen isles.
Problem is they are so shit on the pitch that their attempts to win things has gone on in vain.
They claim to be from a different land to the rest of England so possibly from a different time zone too.
Their football is from a different time zone it's so ancient:
The land that time forgot

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