PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I am pretty sure we will be cleared of any wrong doing here.

However if I know one thing about our core fan base. We have never, ever, forgotten our roots, and those "Yo Yo Years" we older fans lived through. Tough skin fuckers we are. We know how to mobilize and deal with adversity.

A 2 League demotion and 20 point deduction would be turned in to "City On Tour" by our core fan Base and end up being a 2 year bender, fans hitting every boozer in the country. And enjoying every minute of it.

Tourists would be replaced by those that were priced out of the Stadium.

We would wear it all like a badge of honour.

What will be, will be, and we will still be there tomorrow in any worse case scenario.
Good post.

I've been thinking what if we get points deducted, titles stripped a transfer embargo and relegated what would happen to us? I've also been thinking is or has our dominance come or coming to the end? Let's face it, since 2011 all our hopes and dreams have been answered and we've won every domestic trophy available which I'm overjoyed about. The only big pot that eludes us is the champions League which I'm not that arsed about anymore. What Premier League cannot strip us of are our memories of fantastic moments

First and foremost paying supporters are the heart and soul of the club, any club. I think our club have taken our match going supporters for granted for far too long. They wouldn't be able to fleece SC holders year on year for a few quid extra nor would they be able to charge silly money for match day tickets. Many mum's and dads who can't currently afford to take the kids right now may be able to in future if the price of a day at the match comes down so that's not a bad thing.

I think of all the big clubs in the country we'd handle getting relegated better than anyone else because we've been there and us older supporters cannot forget those dark days of winning nothing year on year just going for 40 points to save our skin from another relegation.

But thinking back we blues had some fantastic times because we made do with what we had or didn't have, we laughed in the face of adversity and laughed at ourselves. Big away support, the banana craze, even the Swales and Lee out campaigns were eventful. In some ways I enjoyed going to the game more than i do now and one reason for that is we had no half n' half scarf wearing day tripping glory hunters there taking daft faced fuckin' selfies and pissing about uploading to Facefook, Twatter or fuckin' Instaglam and the like.

I think even if we get relegated to division 2 we'd still get 30000 plus turning up and the club would appreciate our support more than they do now. Whatever happens hardcore blues will still turn up because we've done it before, and we'll do it again if we have to. Older fans and newer fans will not desert us because MCFC is etched into ever fibre of our existence. I'll still be a blue whatever happens for better or for worse...
WTF we@ve not made the headlines on the main BBC news...standards are slipping.
Can I thank you for being public spirited and doing your civic duty in posting this for us FOCs who've been avoiding the media all day?

I was almost at the point of caving in to watch the Six'o'Clock News on catch-up to see what they might say about us. It would've set me off onto yet another rant, exceeding the number of rants per day that I'm allowed.. incurring the wrath of Matron. You have enabled me to avoid her displeasure!

Once again, thank you for your services!!
Totally true and largely unpraised by the majority. On a sidenote I wonder if our owners ( knowledgeable that they are ) would of anticipated the vitriol that our club has received.

You underestimate the admiration that City has attracted for its football and the influence of Pep. Most fans (other than Man Utd and Liverpool) appreciate the competition you bring and enjoy seeing you give the old guard a right stuffing from time to time (not when it’s us you stuffed! But at least we consoled ourselves with the fact you played beautiful football). The PL would be poorer without Pep whose influence on English football deserves comparison with what Wenger first achieved when arriving in England
What on earth are you talking about? He literally did loads of podcasts saying he thinks City would win at CAS.

This witch hunt of fellow City fans because they're talking about possibilities if the PL succeed are wild.

You’re in the same group tbf.

The arse licking I’ve seen you do to journos slagging us off over the years is what’s wild.

You’ve toned it down in recent times though maybe since you didn’t fancy becoming a journo no more.

Am I right in thinking that those clubs who broke F.F.P. were not charged by eufa because they did not qualify for europe? If that was the case, then surely they must have also broke some of the many premier league rules?
Why are they not subject to Premier League investigation then. That's right RED SHIRTS!

Wouldn't be surprised if that is brought up in the commission.

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