PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The club might have no choice unfortunately. We want and need to stay in the premier league. The commercial contracts would also not be happy with a club in the sporting wilderness.

As fans, we want all hell to break loose and start attacking any club or journalist that has trampled over the clubs good name but we also have to remember it is a business first and foremost for Khaldoon & Mansour.

As such cool heads are needed to prevail. So although when we do get cleared we may have to swallow our pride and get on with it. Hence the closed doors agreement. It’s not right but what can you do. We want to be accepted.
Can you explain what you mean by 'get cleared' via a 'closed door agreement' mate?
I see Everton have appealed.
Don’t they know they should plead guilty and except anything that’s thrown at them.
Plus how long is this gonna take?
I’m sure this has nothing to do with justice and they’re only doing it to hold things up.
All I’ve seen on social media today is everyone wishing Everton luck!
Well it sounds like he is a wanker and to think that some poor fuckers somewhere have probably had to listen to this guy when he's pissed for over half a century.
What about his Mrs? Poor lady although she probably walked away years ago. Being a Gooner he probably ejactulated too early.
2,3,4 or 5 more years to go till final decision, who knows.
But the longer it goes on more clubs may see through the premier leagues hounding of City.
Newcastle and Everton are now seeing things from a different perspective I would imagine.
Everton supporters are now seeing the link of nastiness shown by livarpool towards their club, from the attemped blocking of planning permission for their new ground to livarpools fingers in the pie of FFP that has now seen them deducted 10 points.
Newcastle supporters now see their path to success blocked by FFP instigated by the premier league at the bidding of the red tops.
Chelsea will not be on their side and neither I think will be West Ham.
So the longer it goes on more clubs will see our side and if one of the red tops is sold I can see the whole charade collapsing.
Can you explain what you mean by 'get cleared' via a 'closed door agreement' mate?
Hypothetically, let’s say the league came to the conclusion that they do not have enough evidence due to 1. because we have done fuck all wrong & 2. They can’t reach the extremely high threshold required to accuse the club of fraud. So out comes a statement saying the case is closed and we are satisfied MCFC have acted in good faith and within the legal and accounting framework. City agree as we want to stay at the top and off we go again.

Another battle won albeit with a few scraps.

All behind this political and financial pressure will be asserted.

It’s only my opinion mate. These things normally go away when no one is looking.
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