PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Are you surprised? What the fuck would he know about the inner workings of MCFC never mind the charges. He needs to keep the clicks coming in and now that the lemmings don’t have the rags to laugh at until Sunday, why not get them all fired up with a city video.
I believe - I HAVE BEEN LED TO BELIEVE - that he thinks it's bad news for us and we are in trouble. I was shocked and worried to hear this from such a dispassionate, detached observer.
I remember PB reporting that City were rolling laughing when they found that UEFA had no more evidence than 6 emails! I suppose shock and ridicule can be almost the same! Wonder what the PL have got - if anything.
Yes, it was pure disbelief at UEFA’s stupidity. You can image our team turning to each other:
”What the fuck. Is that it???” “Really?” “What a joke.”
As the man said: ”I just don’t believe it.”
I expect the PL to prove just as assinine.
Yes, it was pure disbelief at UEFA’s stupidity. You can image our team turning to each other:
”What the fuck. Is that it???” “Really?” “What a joke.”
As the man said: ”I just don’t believe it.”
I expect the PL to prove just as assinine.

It's odd that the pl didnt look at the UEFA case and think we'll keep clear of that. Instead the pl jumped in with both feet with an ill prepared charged sheet.
As far as I am aware we have the same accountants and auditors as we did when these so called breaches took place. I've said this before but SURELY if any of them believed they had been misled as to the source of the sponsorship funds they would have cut all ties with us and have issued public statements to that effect. Either that or that they remain complicit in a large scale fraud which seems fantastical to say the least. Also if there was a genuine possibility that the club has committed fraud the SFO would have commenced an investigation . The fact none of this seems to have happened is what I'm clinging to.

My feeling is that the PL know their case is weak but see the criticism that may fall on their shoulders as a price worth paying in in the hope that, even if we come out on top in the overall scheme of things, the charges will clip our wings sufficiently that it will allow the more favoured clubs to catch up a bit.

The lack of co-operation charges could not possibly stick without the more substantive ones being brought as well. They're a safety net for the PL just as they were for UEFA. Something has to stick against us in order to placate the other clubs.
Knock yourself out:-

And this is the "whistle blower" who hacked our emails (amongst many, many more):-

Hacked emails can easily be doctored wait till city.produce the originals

Sorry to be pedantic and I know Nobbins has studied law and probably knows a heck of a lot more about it than me but I think he's got himself turned around at 10:48 of the video(and still hasn't corrected it), due to, in my opinion, the deliberately ambiguous terminology used. It's a matter of:

"Artificially inflated revenue" - Where the inference is that the sponsors are only paying a small portion and the owner is thereby inflating the revenue the club is receiving from a sponsor, by the way of disguised equity(by paying the difference themselves). Or in other words, overstating what a sponsor is actually paying.


"Artificially inflated sponsorships" - Whereby, the value/amounts of the deals themselves is considered overvalued/overinflated. PSG as an example, were accused of this in two different monitoring periods. To deem a deal overvalued/inflated, requires FMV valuations carried out by firms from a list approved auditors, chosen by UEFA and the PL themselves AND then proof that the sponsor is in fact a related party. Neither the PL or UEFA have ever tried to charge City on the basis that the deals themselves were overvalued because their own valuations came back showing they were within the acceptable range.

So City were 'worth' what those deals represented, regardless of who was paying what, in principle. If you were to be picky, UEFA said Etisalat's(and Abaar's?) was slightly high(and that they felt it was a related party, perhaps for this reason alone) but not enough to make an issue of it and simply asked City to agree not to increase it during the next monitoring period. City disagreed with their assessment but did sign off on the terms not to increase it, in the 2014 agreement.

The two are very different accusations, I'm sure everyone can agree. Which is why it's never a good idea for an organisation to use separate terms, with different meanings, which are so similar. It leads to confusion and the wrong conclusions being drawn, even from people who are generally well educated on these matters. Since UEFA changed the name of the FFP regulations because by their own admission, it was too misleading. Surely they've noticed how much confusion having such similar terms for two different accusations is causing? Perhaps they have but are quite happy for it to continue.
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2,3,4 or 5 more years to go till final decision, who knows.
But the longer it goes on more clubs may see through the premier leagues hounding of City.
Newcastle and Everton are now seeing things from a different perspective I would imagine.
Everton supporters are now seeing the link of nastiness shown by livarpool towards their club, from the attemped blocking of planning permission for their new ground to livarpools fingers in the pie of FFP that has now seen them deducted 10 points.
Newcastle supporters now see their path to success blocked by FFP instigated by the premier league at the bidding of the red tops.
Chelsea will not be on their side and neither I think will be West Ham.
So the longer it goes on more clubs will see our side and if one of the red tops is sold I can see the whole charade collapsing.
Looks like Burnley Leeds Leicester to withdraw compo claims against Everton

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