PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Yes, I know. I was just questioning this part of your post:

It seems to me it is the opposite. They are investing outwardly into Europe, Africa, the Americas and Asia as a way of diversifying their oil-based economy.

Maybe that is what you meant?

I think you're getting a little mixed up & already know the answer which you've looked up because you mentioned Europe & Africa first? \0/

It was the UAE's intention to attract inward investment opportunities to their global investment portfolio to be managed alongside its sovereign wealth fund, underpinned by its oil wealth, as a way of diversifying away from its oil based economy.

This is partly what attracted Sheikh Mansour to buy a PL Footbal Club.

In the 90s/2000s Abu Dhabi realised the need to diversify, so they chose financial, banking & investment portfolio management as a way to attract inward investors, to whom they'd offer a full suite of financial services which they'd manage, underpinned by UK Law.

They were struggling to attract that inward investment regardless of the vast amounts of monies they paid marketing & advertising firms to promote them as a safe, credible, responsible investment opportiny for individuals, corporate entities & governments who could attain generous returns on their investments. A Switzerland in the Desert if you wish.

Circa 2007, the idea was floated to Abu Dhabi to prove their global finance capabilities by buying a sports franchise & turning it into a massive business success, which would not only prove how business savvy they were, but promote Abu Dhabi as a credible place to entrust with global investment funds in the process.

Roman Abramovich was cited as an example of someone who was relatively unknown until he bought Chelsea & turned them into a global football superpower.

Convinced, financial fixer Amanda Staveley was appointed to find a suitable PL Club, & the search began with Arsenal, moved onto Newcastle, then Everton & ended up at Manchester City who Sheikh Mansour purchased to achieve this aim.

It proved to be a masterstroke, which succeeded beyond all expectations. I recall a report on how pleasantly surprised Abu Dhabi were when they attended a major global finance convention, where most in attendance were fascinated by the Manchester City story, & subsequent events first & investment opportunities second.

Manchester City essentially put Abu Dhabi on the global finance map as somewhere to safely invest your money, which would be expertly managed, giving fantastic ROI's. Being part of an investment consortium who bailed out Barclays after the global crash of 2008, further enhanced our business savvy status.

The pimple you keep picking at is the UAE's inward investment offerings to invest in UAE specific projects? The answer's not specifically or limited to, & after our last exchange I don't wish to get embroiled in more nitpicking of irrelevant minutiae, whilst you completely ignore the bigger picture.

I'm pretty sure you've already swotted up on the following, but here they are again for citation purposes. Knock yourself out. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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Only in this country could we have a league which is the most watched, most wanted to play in, that sells its tv rights (home and away) for an absolute kings ransom, has matches like last nights football fest that will be talked about for years, actually trying to destroy itself. Madness is afoot.
I was thinking about this before, it's absolutely crazy what the league is doing to itself. All at the behest of 3 or 4 clubs.
Only in this country could we have a league which is the most watched, most wanted to play in, that sells its tv rights (home and away) for an absolute kings ransom, has matches like last nights football fest that will be talked about for years, actually trying to destroy itself. Madness is afoot.
It’s not actually trying to destroy itself as such it’s certain clubs greed and wanting to make sure they are in control and that they are up challenging forever,while handicapping other teams,the league needs to grow a set and tell these clubs to either abide by Their rules,laws and regulations that they decide to impose or fuck off ..
Latest Martin Samuel article about Forest/Everton and the new rules here on a non-paywall site:

Apols if already posted.
So let me get this right the premier league will charge Everton and forest yet come August these regulations will no longer be in place .WTF or have I picked that up wrong..
Latest Martin Samuel article about Forest/Everton and the new rules here on a non-paywall site:

Apols if already posted.
If you had a business, why would you handicap it in such a draconian way?


If 4 of your Executive Directors wanted to ensure they remained in their exhalted positions in perpetuity, whilst earning vastly more than their fellow executive board members, who the four are quite willing to throw to the wolves to save themselves.
So let me get this right the premier league will charge Everton and forest yet come August these regulations will no longer be in place .WTF or have I picked that up wrong..

Yep they are supposed to be introducing new rules but exact details not yet know other than will be similar to the new UEFA rules that have replaced FFP.
Tomorrow the PL will announce any club that has breached FSR for last season rumours of 3 clubs
According to Te Athletic

Everton and Nottingham Forrst expect to be told on Monday that they have breached the Premier League's profit and sustainability rules for the three-year cycle up to June 2023
Latest Martin Samuel article about Forest/Everton and the new rules here on a non-paywall site:

Apols if already posted.
So every time they decide on a red whim to change the rules, the clubs who have been punished by the rules prior to August 24 could either be punished again or even worse pass the new rules but already be relegated by the old rules!!

How can anyone stand behind this shameful abomination. It’s fucking terrible.

Self serving made up red shit. Now they are trying their best to rewrite the “rules” to protect the red cunts.

The rest of the league need to wake up and smell the coffee. The Americans have brought the game into distribute all because they fear and loathe any other club getting their hands on the champions league money.

If these rules were any good why would the league constantly have to change them? They don’t stand up to any scrutiny.

Time for a new FFP vote. The clubs should throw them out before anymore damage can be done.
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