PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

And, when being quizzed by MPs on Tuesday morning over several issues relating to the top flight, one of the topics up for discussion with Masters was City's charges.

Masters subsequently confirmed Mail Sport's story that a date had been set, before adding 'but I can't say when that is'.

The fat f*ck saying it in the video via the link.

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Yea completely different because they are made up bullshit.
These extra charges to other clubs have me worried.
With all the press surrounding it and asking what about city makes me feel we will be found guilty through association.
The IC thinking well if Everton and forest are guilty then so must city.
Like your mates being involved in a fight and you just being there gets you a guilty verdict.
It will be very hard for the IC to block out all these reports , independent regulatory and fans statements for it not to affect our outcome
A lot of innocent people have been convicted over the years in cases where there has been huge media and public pressure. Hysterical press coverage is a common theme in miscarriages of justice (remember the Birmingham six). Emotion always plays a part in legal cases despite the best intentions of Judges and juries to remain impartial.
We have no idea how the internal dynamics will work with an "independent" panel selected by the Premier League itself.
So how do Everton and Nottingham Forest fans feel about being considered small?
Good old good foot in the mouth Masters.
Greasy pole, arse licker. Tim nice but dim.

Richard Masters has never done anything to make me think he's more of a football fan than refer to those clubs as small.

Clubs will be called small compared to City in stadiums, bars, clubhouses, u9 pitches, dinner tables, pubs, twitter, the newspapers, TV, podcasts. By managers, owners, players, pundits, journalists and fans.

And yet an executive says it everyone pretends they would never dare to refer to another club as small and it's really just not on. How could anyone in charge of a business where some teams earn £850m a year and £400m wage bills while some earn £100m and spend £50m a year refer to one as being bigger than the other? How can a club with 9 league titles be referred to as bigger than a club with none? How could a club with a 60,000 seater stadium by bigger than Luton?

The abosolute definition of manufactured and performative outrage.
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A few points come out of the select committee hearing today….

Masters is out of his depth.
Parry thinks Masters is clueless - he’s right on that
The select committee have limited insight and knowledge
The issues between the PL and the EFL show it was the creation of the PL that is the problem (ironic that Parry is now speaking for the EFL given he’s the chief villain).
these two will never come to an agreement- it’s clear Masters hands are tied and the hard up red shirts are playing a delaying tactic.
An independent regulator is inevitable.
I wonder who Parry was referring to when he was asked about surveys and feedback from fans. He said we always get reaction about "one particular club." I'm sure he wasn't referring to Liverpool.
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Richard Masters has never done anything to make me think he's more of a football fan than refer to those clubs as small.

Clubs will be called small compared to City in stadiums, bars, clubhouses, u9 pitches, dinner tables, pubs, twitter, the newspapers, TV, podcasts, managers, owners, other players.

And yet an executive says it everyone pretends they would never dare to refer to another club as small and it's really just not on.
You take a very contrary line don't you.
You probably think you're being pragmatic.
OK - have it your way. But for a CEO to refer numerous times to clubs like Everton and Forest - with their history and achievements, as small, is unprofessional, undiplomatic and discourteous. He should have been more aware, especially in the febrile environment that he has created/presided over.
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