PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They were calling us cheats... state owned cheats. Uefa cheats ffp cheats. Human rights abusing.

You maybe need a thicker skin. This has been going on since pep started winning their trophies.
Exactly !

2008….No one will sign for City.
2009…Only mercenaries will sign for City.
2010…City won’t win anything with mercenaries.
2011…Financial doping, Wenger etc
2012…What City win is worthless.
2013..What about human rights!

2023…total meltdown.
If I recall right -- and I'm kind of an idiot for following him on Twitter/X -- Harris recently lost his job. There's nothing to be gained by the Club bringing suit. Can't get blood from a stone; and you can't undo all he's said and done to damage the reputation of the club. Better to ignore him and win the battle with the PL. Probably good advice for all of us, because he's not going to engage any City fan in good faith.

Now when he's slandering the PL when City wins (something he set the stage for in today's rant), the PL might go after him, which would be kind of delicious, no?
It’s funny on RAWK. They’re praising Harris and his continued obsession to see us ruined. Hes like some god-like hero to them, infact if the worst happened I envisage a statue outside murderfield.

Someone on there has also predicted a 40 point deduction, and then, through sheer paranoia, says it won’t be dished out until a season is deemed where we wouldn’t win the PL anyway, so it looks like we’ve been punished but everyone saves face.

What a fucking weird bunch of people they are on there.
I wonder what the other bitter, twisted, deluded scouse cuntmeister Tony Evans has been saying about us and the alleged charges? I bet his bile duct has exploded with all the bilious hate he has perennially spewed chatting and writing shit about us.

Another victimised scouse journalist (I use that description very loosely) whose piss we have been boiling for over a decade now.
A lot of this media shit is down to our own media team and letting them write whatever they like,
it started from day one and some really dirty stuff has been written and published about Manchester City; we just sat back and did nothing and let them get away with it repeatedly.

Now it's unstoppable and far too late to start rapping knuckles and banning orders on media outlets or slimy reporters the Job is done and the damage will stick even if we are innocent,
A lot of this media shit is down to our own media team and letting them write whatever they like,
it started from day one and some really dirty stuff has been written and published about Manchester City; we just sat back and did nothing and let them get away with it repeatedly.

Now it's unstoppable and far too late to start rapping knuckles and banning orders on media outlets or slimy reporters the Job is done and the damage will stick even if we are innocent,
Couldn't agree more its should of been dealt with years ago the scum media have had a free hand at saying whatever they want, I wish the club had stud up for themselves and us fans.
If the PL had half a brain among their cabal they'd start putting some of the charges in the bin as we move towards next Fall so that by the time the hearings take place a loss for them won't be on such a massive scale. Save themselves the embarrassment. It's bad enough they've accused a member of the UAE royal family of being an enormous liar. fraud, and cheat on a monumental scale, but imagine this panel having the balls to confirm this on the sketchiest of evidence. The fallout would be insane. Hard for me to see this going in any way other than in one direction. But we shall see...
I have to take issue with your statement that

UEFA's version of the rules has never been the subject of a vote. UEFA does not operate like that. The ECA was "consulted" and expressed its satisfaction with them, though I believe this was expressed by Rumenigge and Co rather than by a democratic process. When the PL considered the introduction of such rules a vote did take place but our club voted against them. So we never agreed to abide by them, and even if we had we most certainly can challenge them now. All that is required is a claim to a UK court by Forest or Everton that their business is to be damaged by a PL independent commission applying rules which are in conflict with UK law. The regulations would then be tested in court and the ruling would be binding.
When I said "we agreed" I meant that by participating in the competitions we accept the rules associated with said competitions not the we voted in favour of such rules, that would be advocating said rules.
Yes of course your right we could challenge them now and at any point in the future my assertion that we can't was challenging them to retrospectively have the charges removed.

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