PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I’m consistently shocked at the number of Everton fans who lament that the process was corrupt and the goal posts moved on them who are also demanding that City be punished
I had quite a bit of sympathy for the Everton fans at the beginning of this saga but the whining and the finger pointing that’s come in my direction, even today during a management meeting at work, means I hope they go down, stay there and rot… I also asked for it to be put in the minutes!
City xtra posting that there are developments to be announced next week on our charges ?
Alleged breaches, not charges.
I'm not sure what you mean here. They investigated, and accused us of 115 infractions of PL rules. The whole matter is now being adjudicated by a commission. If the commission finds us guilty of some of the alleged offences, isn't that the time for the evidence to be passed on for additional criminal investigations?


If there was any suspicion of criminality the PL would be duty bound to pass it to the dibble.
If there is an agenda behind the decision, I cannot see how it benefits the league to issue us with any punishment. It raises a huge cloud over the PL over the past decade. They’ve said they wouldn’t issue retrospective punishment or take away trophies but you’d have constant calls for the record books to be amended. You’d have never ending stories about how the whole competition had been nullified and moving forwards you’d have the same cynicism around it. It threatens the future growth and revenue of the PL as the premier domestic football competition and in simple terms just doesn’t do it any good!

Finding us innocent of all charges just leads to a bunch of whinge bag fans and journalists who don’t have a clue what they’re talking about, claiming corruption. The same thing they do now anyway. It wouldn’t change things at all from that perspective in my opinion.

The majority of football fans think we’ve got 115 charges in the same manner as Everton and if they got 10pts deducted for 1 charge we should have 1150 points deducted. They think we’ve lied about revenues and inflated sponsorship and that we still do today. You still see question marks around our revenue despite the success we’ve had. They’re clueless and to be honest most of them probably expect us to get away with it, as in their eyes we have for so long anyway. So the PL might as well find us innocent. The red shirt clubs will be fuming, but they’ll get over it as long as the rules keep preventing Newcastle/Villa and whoever else from a sustained period challenging their position in the CL.

Of course there was! Those clubs won't lose sleep by ganging up on city to make the premier investigate us! They probably know we will probably get of but they are staining our
Club for years and the public's image of our club now by opposing fans has been set in stone for ever! It's the American way they play dirty always have!
If you have something to hide you don’t want an Independent Commission investigating you. You want to be in control of everything and keep others, with no vested interests, firmly out.

If you are confident you have acted within the rules you welcome an outside body treating all clubs the same.

Vote on an Independent Commission:

For: 1 Manchester City

Against: 19 all the others
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Only a thought but, by the time the case starts, could we have an independent commission in place and three new “experts” looking at the evidence?
FF to minute 43 if you’re only interested in City’s case. However, I think you’ll do yourself a disservice by skipping those first 43 minutes if you have actual interest in FFP/PSR as it relates to Everton, Forest and even Chelsea.

Thanks for sharing, IMB.
I did skip through to the part about us and as always it was a lucid and non-partisan viewpoint from Stefan. Nothing hugely revealing but it does lay out the dire consequences if we are found guilty of anything substantive.

I suppose we'll know one way or another by summer 2026 after the losing party appeals....{sighs}

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