PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The comments on the YT clip are funny. One rag suggested fans of other clubs will boycott games including City.

There was a post on RAWK very similar. Some fuck head said all fans of other clubs should rise as one and boycott games including City. Genuinely calling out fans to not attend games when their teams play is. Fucking looney!!

It's easy to boycott games when you live in another country and have never seen your team play before!
I would imagine they already have the shits. Pretty sure Masters doesn't want to be anywhere near this and I can't see a way out for him after this, other than resignation, tbh.
pretty sure that Masters et al have been bullied into this by the Americans /reds...and when a robust defence is presented they will turn around and look for American / reds back up. which....won't be there.
I listen to it live and although Stephan was very good I do believe he needed to choose his words better, especially knowing how that station would twist everything.

When explaining the sheer scale of what would be a major fraud case, he said the PL would struggle to prove it. I believe he should have stressed more that its unbelievable that such a giant fraud could be possible without a whistle-blower or easy evidence being found after 6 years of looking.

For me it gave Jordan the ongoing chance to say, we are guilty but the PL just weren't clever enough to prove it.

Just my take.

That's exactly what he did do - he said it would require a group of board members and senior executives from a number of different companies all being complicit and he finds it very hard to believe that would ever be the case.

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