PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I listened again to the 93:20 podcast with steffan when the CAS decision first came out. I'm trying to think what could the Premier league have on us that's different because the main points was UEFA only had emails with no supporting evidence. So he talks about the esihlat deal being time barred and not concluded by CAS. I think the issue with esihlat was it seemed mansour put up the sponsor money then later recovered from esihlat which I think @Prestwich_Blue has stated this was the case but UEFA accepted that. Could the Premier view this differently and state that this is against their rules and if so would this make it a different fight to UEFA?

If that’s the case they are trying to convict City with a ‘technicality’ as really it makes no difference. We’ve seen some incredible immoral actions over the last few years & this is their best. They deserve everything that’s coming their way.
Saw this guy Harris guy on my feed.
What is happening guys seriously this usual vitriol has gone up a level.

Thread on us pretty much being corrupt, burying the case. Big swear campaign.

Lost his job apparently I read here but to pup out these kind of tweet I hope clubs sures him for real. We are too placid that these kind of things happen but this went over the line.

200k followed taking this as this as gospel. Probably paid off to continue this is abnormal.

Thread starts here

———————key tweet I saw qrt by someone saying we will be cleared by we are guilty.
My office is full of Villa, Liverpool & Arsenal fans, every single one of them love to call us cheats.
We really are despised & it aint just the red shirts fans
Are they saying it in a banter way though? Like for if example you say to the Villa fan his team will drop off, or to the Arsenal fan his team will bottle it?

Or are they serious and full of bile and anger toward you?
Given the ownership of an American club, I would be shocked if the group didn't follow SOX, and although there is a British version last time I looked (it has been a while) hasn't got anywhere near the reach and mandatory requirements of SOX. (If I remember it was a comply or explain model, unlike SOX comply or get punished)

My point was that an Enron is possible just not in USA, and that it isn't impossible for Companies and their external audit to collude even with SOX. Not that I'm implying in any way the City, its sponsors and its auditors did.
Yes you're spot on regarding the comply or explain vs comply or die

The UK model has got much closer to that in the last few years, albeit still some way off the USA

My take on CFG, is that with all of the money involved, and in different countries/currencies/regulations, I'd be astonished if they didn't comply with US SOX.

Khaldoon went to University in USA, so will likely be very familiar with SOX, which makes me feel so comfortable when I see anyone mention fraudulent accounting, or comparisons to Enron.
I swing back n forth about what i think/hope/dread/ will be.

Part of me thinks, “how can the Prem get this so wrong. Surely the level and seriousness of these accusations means they MUST have something on us. Would they risk the credibility of such a huge worldwide organisation on a whim or at the behest of certain clubs.

Then u swing back to the robust nature in the way City And our powers that be have defended themselves and come out fighting , saying we are 100% innocent and will prove it.

One thing is for sure. One side has got this VERY wrong.
Sums up my feelings exactly. The EPL must have had legal advice before they kicked this off. I have said before, maybe they knew all along it was going to be highly difficult to prove but felt they had no choice to go ahead to be seen to be doing something and placate eg. Levy. The EPL wanted the proceedings to be kept private which would have stopped them appearing incompetent if they failed.
It’s doing my head as to why there is apparently such outright hatred for City when we have elevated the EPL to a standard of football/entertainment never seen before. Just consider last Sunday against Newcastle. Incredible match for neutrals as the commentators said (purgatory for me though :-)
I know I panic sometimes as someone said I sounded like a scouser ( bloody cheek )

But in the cold light of day the pl are accusing some seriously power people of being fraudsters. This will have massive fallout around the world if true. I csnt see how the pl think they have the proof to damage these peoples reputations. Even calling a royal prince a fraudster. Its mind boggling

It really does feel like the American owned clubs and that's be honest America likes to think of itself as the top dog. Thought they could force the pl into these charges and get away with it. Like America does when invading other countries to enforce they view. If you dont agree with America we bomb you.
Went well in Vietnam, Somalia etc
Agree with Stefan feeling he was dealing with an intellectual pygmy.
But, he must have known that he would, at best, be misquoted.
Can now understand why City little interaction with the mainstream media...
They've been posting relegated/thrown out of the League/stripped of titles since the news broke , whatever steffan had said they'd of posted the same who cares when we're found to be innocent ?
One thing that really irks me if the narrative and language used around the alleged offences. If we're cleared, we'll still always be guilty in the eyes of some regardless of what the verdict is and what is proven/unproven in that verdict. It's very much dressed up as we're either guilty or guilty but get off with it. No one has ever pointed to the fact it may all be bollocks. Even if the charges are dropped/we win in court, we'll forever be seen by others as innocent.
Of course the morons will still use the narrative of guilty, they know deep down were innocent but its their comfort blanket so they can sleep at night.
They also know we're gonna continue taking them to the cleaners.
My office is full of Villa, Liverpool & Arsenal fans, every single one of them love to call us cheats.
We really are despised & it aint just the red shirts fans
Just laugh and agree with them. Tell them it's great and you don't care that we are cheats as long as we keep winning. It winds them up even more than defending the club.
Try it, trust me it works every time.

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