PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I'm about halfway through this podcast.

Harris talks about potentially whistleblowers coming forward, when saying the PL must have something big up their sleeve if they brought the 115 charges, knowing how it went with CAS.

The other thing is about the Simon Pearce email, which wasn't revealed until after CAS.

What do we think of these two points?
100%. Harris has very little remaining credibility. He's not worth engaging with, not worth suing either, imo.

I doubt he will have much of a future as a FFP expert. Everyone could see who the real expert was when they went head to head.

Well done, and thank you Stefan for another interesting presentation of reality.
Agreed mate, he’s in a very dangerous and delicate place mentally, I suspect it’s a big reason why the club don’t engage with him, nobody wants to be the one that finally pushes him over the edge, nothing good will come out of challenging him in a legal sense.
I thought the podcast was fascinating for a number of reasons. Firstly you had Nick Harris spouting the current assumed narrative that pervades so much of the coverage and @projectriver politely and patiently responding with the facts in a very measured manner.

There is an enormous amount of misunderstanding and misinformation that have become the accepted version of events. The nomination of a second panel member (from CAS panel) by City which was accepted by UEFA is not untoward, unusual or proof of some surrender by UEFA but it is somehow presented as such.

The settlement in 2014 with UEFA is now presented as acknowledgment of guilt which wasn’t appealed rather than the “pinch” as Khaldoon referred to at the time. It would have been reached with no acknowledgment of guilt and seen by both sets of lawyers as the best resolution. UEFA would not have wanted a legal challenge and we would simply wanted an end to it in circumstances which we (wrongly) believed would be the end of it.

It is also clear than so many people (Harris included) haven’t read the CAS judgement or simply don’t understand it.

What @projectriver does, and does very well, is set out the position, as far anyone can know outside of City and the Premier League, and he hasn’t shied away from pointing out the seriousness of adverse findings for City.

Harris’s response since the podcast has been disappointing but illuminating. If he was interested in discussing and debating the matter he would not been engaging in as hominem attacks, innuendo or potentially libellous comments. It’s clearly far better for him to be raging against City then dealing with the facts of case again City, which rather undermines his bona fides.
I'm about halfway through this podcast.

Harris talks about potentially whistleblowers coming forward, when saying the PL must have something big up their sleeve if they brought the 115 charges, knowing how it went with CAS.

The other thing is about the Simon Pearce email, which wasn't revealed until after CAS.

What do we think of these two points?
If there was a whistle blower, we will have acted with the knowledge that they had one and plead guilty had they had any evidence. We haven’t done, which leads me to believe there isn’t one.

The email apparently was unearthed after CAS, but unless the PL can prove that our owner has directly paid Etihad’s sponsorship bill to us, then it proves nothing and Etihad don’t need to show their books to the committee. Again, if they had the evidence, we wouldn’t have plead not guilty. This again makes me believe that isn’t enough evidence to convict.

I could be wrong, but that’s my take.
Not my job to tell anyone else what to do, but there is simply no point engaging with a **** like this in any way whatsoever. Absolutely none.

It’s like joining RAWK as a City fan and expecting any reasonable and rational level of debate on the subject of the 115 charges.

Harris has employed the Joey Barton approach of trying to be as outrageous as possible while appealing to the lowest common denominator.

It’s the last bastion to remaining relevant.
If there was a whistle blower, we will have acted with the knowledge that they had one and plead guilty had they had any evidence. We haven’t done, which leads me to believe there isn’t one.

The email apparently was unearthed after CAS, but unless the PL can prove that our owner has directly paid Etihad’s sponsorship bill to us, then it proves nothing and Etihad don’t need to show their books to the committee. Again, if they had the evidence, we wouldn’t have plead not guilty. This again makes me believe that isn’t enough evidence to convict.

I could be wrong, but that’s my take.
Why do Etihad not have to show their books?
Would they not actually be freely available to get?
I'm about halfway through this podcast.

Harris talks about potentially whistleblowers coming forward, when saying the PL must have something big up their sleeve if they brought the 115 charges, knowing how it went with CAS.

The other thing is about the Simon Pearce email, which wasn't revealed until after CAS.

What do we think of these two points?

The "whistleblower" appears to be a reference to Stefan himself. Interestingly, in his tweets Harris both refers to 'multiple sources' at City and refers to his 'whistleblower' in the singular. So Harris seems to be in some confusion himself as to what a whistleblower is and just how many of them he is in contact with.

On the Pearce email, Stefan made the point in the podcast that Simon Pearce will have to answer for his email in the light of what he told CAS (and vice versa) and he will either explain it to the tribunal's satisfaction or he won't.

The wider point Stefan also made, and in my view the more telling one, is that these cases don't tend to turn on a single email. What is necessary is for the tribunal to make up its mind on the basis of the overall weight of evidence. In this case, for instance, even if the email points in one direction, the fact that both City's audited accounts and - crucially - Etihad's audited accounts record the full sponsorship amount (which is precisely, as I understand it, what both sets of accounts show and both accounts are consistent with each other) that might be said to have far more weight. This is because the conclusion that both sets of accounts are knowingly false requires high-level collusion between two global companies, and of course the government of Abu Dhabi, is not something you would usually see being established on flimsy evidence.

Besides, it seems to me that the email supports City's case as much as anything else. There is a contract (somewhere) signed on behalf of both companies saying 'Etihad will pay City £X and City will provide Y advertising services in return." The email seems to relate purely to the source of those funds, but it does not detract from the essential point that the contractual liability to pay City is Etihad's, not that of the AD government. Assuming that to be a genuine contract, the PL's case (on this issue) ends at that point. It is irrelevant that Etihad find the sums to pay that from their own reserves, from a rights issue, from loans from the directors or from a hand out from the Abu Dhabi government. They have entered into a legally binding contractual obligation to pay X in return for Y and they could have been sued if they had refused to perform their obligations under that contract.

That is precisely what City's accounts show, and (as I understand it) it is precisely that which the PL have to show was untrue, and known to be untrue when City signed off their accounts.

Good luck with that, guys.
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Harris is doing whatever he can to drum up subscribers for his website which has basically been stillborn.

He’s gone on a Podcast which allowed him a platform to plug his substack and bizarrely remained virtually mute for the entirety.

Last night and this morning was typical of him. Try and stir the pot with lies and libel in the vain hope or drumming up a few more subscribers.

He’s ended up being mocked, possibly sued, and committed the cardinal sin of any journalist and outed what he considered a historic source.
I think he is probably losing subscribers at this point

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