PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The "whistleblower" appears to be a reference to Stefan himself. Interestingly, in his tweets Harris both refers to 'multiple sources' at City and refers to his 'whistleblower' in the singular. So Harris seems to be in some confusion himself as to what a whistleblower is and just how many of them he is in contact with.

On the Pearce email, Stefan made the point in the podcast that Simon Pearce will have to answer for his email in the light of what he told CAS (and vice versa) and he will either explain it to the tribunal's satisfaction or he won't.

The wider point Stefan also made, and in my view the more telling one, is that these cases don't tend to turn on a single email. What is necessary is for the tribunal to make up its mind on the basis of the overall weight of evidence. In this case, for instance, even if the email points in one direction, the fact that both City's audited accounts and - crucially - Etihad's audited accounts record the full sponsorship amount (which is precisely, as I understand it, what both sets of accounts show and both accounts are consistent with each other) that might be said to have far more weight. This is because the conclusion that both sets of accounts are knowingly false requires high-level collusion between two global companies, and of course the government of Abu Dhabi, is not something you would usually see being established on flimsy evidence.

Besides, it seems to me that the email supports City's case as much as anything else. There is a contract (somewhere) signed on behalf of both companies saying 'Etihad will pay City £X and City will provide Y advertising services in return." The email seems to relate purely to the source of those funds, but it does not detract from the essential point that the contractual liability to pay City is Etihad's, not that of the AD government. Assuming that to be a genuine contract, the PL's case (on this issue) ends at that point. It is irrelevant that Etihad find the sums to pay that from their own reserves, from a rights issue, from loans from the directors or from a hand out from the Abu Dhabi government. They have entered into a legally binding contractual obligation to pay X in return for Y and they could have been sued if they had refused to perform their obligations under that contract.

That is precisely what City's accounts show, and (as I understand it) it is precisely that which the PL have to show was untrue, and known to be untrue when City signed off their accounts.

Good luck with that, guys.
Anyone who is worried about the upcoming commission should just read this. Probably the best explanation on the most serious allegations the prem have thrown at City. Reading this you can see why Stefan and a few others on here think it’s impossible for the prem to prove that the Etihad or Etisalat deals are a sham.
@projectriver seems well within his rights to at the least demand an apology and retraction and could certainly take things further if Mr Harris doesn't watch out but as idiotic as it is for him to make these statements about an individual is it not more idiotic and dangerous to state as fact that the company that Stefan worked for was 'accused of , and CONVICTED of , complex corruption' .... say goodbye to your house Nick!
@projectriver seems well within his rights to at the least demand an apology and retraction and could certainly take things further if Mr Harris doesn't watch out but as idiotic as it is for him to make these statements about an individual is it not more idiotic and dangerous to state as fact that the company that Stefan worked for was 'accused of , and CONVICTED of , complex corruption' .... say goodbye to your house Nick!

Was it Nick Harris that claimed City fans had smashed his windows?
Who's the fella he grassed on as his inside man pretty low thing to do out someone who's been giving him info

He's dropped a bollock there he's not even getting a a bit of info off anyone now he'll be a pariah now and good
Yes, I actually went online after I had differences with him to read an article about her illness and death. It was awful and he was left with two young daughters to care for too. I truly feel for anybody who went through or is going through that.

I could see how it would affect somebody psychologically, often with them being unaware just how much. I'm not sure what the correlation is with the City hatred and obsession though, because that is what it is. It has gone beyond normal investigative journalism.
Harris is showing the classic signs of Bipolar Disorder.
He is swinging between extreme highs (manic) and extreme lows (depression)

Manic Stage
Feeling self-important, elated that he alone may have found new evidence that nails City
Easily irritated and agitated when Stefan schools him with facts and truth that completely undermine his credibility
Mood Swings - one day polite, admitting that he learnt loads, the next day spewing bile and lies trying to twist his stance in an argument he just lost
Making rash decisions / saying things that are so out of character and wide of the mark that others see them as risky and harmful - todays personal attacks on Stefan

Depression Stage
Sad, hopeless, irritable that his conspiracy theories are unravelling
Failing to concentrate and remember - mixing up his understanding of what CAS said, that the fine was actually 20m euros, failing to differentiate between negotiation / settlement and being fined
Feelings of guilt, despair and pessimism that City may actually be innocent
Self doubt that his crusade against City is failing badly and his opinions are being ridiculed
Delusional - hallucinations and disturbed illogical thinking

Bipolar Disorder is often caused by a stressful life event.
All the signs are there. Harris - please seek help.

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