PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

View attachment 108476

Plenty of stuff here to go to court with!

C'mon City.. this is way over the line and you're not facing "Rebecca Vardy's account" mitigating factors.. he's specifically mentioned --- City by name!

Wow must be getting to the point City need to take action
Harris is obviously being paid for services rendered, but what he doesn't seem to be understand is, what goes around one day may come around. For example, are there whistle blowers who work in HMRC who have visibility of his filed Self Assessments and Company accounts ? Are there whistle blowers who work in his bank and have access to his personal and business accounts ? How much was he paid for his services in Bennel Victims v MCFC, how much was paid for his appearance in the YouTube attack video ? When asked he refuses to answer. He repeatedly accuses former City exec Simon Pearce of committing perjury at CAS2020, when the PL charges are resolved he will be receiving a registered letter about that.
Lots of info on here which I don’t really understand so, in layman’s terms, are we in the shit or not?
Not! Enjoy the football and ignore the idiotic biased fans you may meet in the street. The premier wanted to inflict maximum reputational damage on city because they have been told “we must have done something doh” by the Red media and the clubs that have significant sway within those corporations.

City have already cleared their name at CAS. No evidence of wrongdoing ie no proof Mansour disguised owner investment.

Rags next to get the Haaland hammer -:)
Jordan talking about city in the mail again:

Why the Premier League can't win when it comes to Man City's 115 charges... and they were RIGHT to take points off Everton.

Extract below:

The Premier League have found themselves in a zero sum game situation. If they charged and then convicted City, they’d be damaging their product in the eyes of the world as it would look beset with corruption and fraud. But if they did nothing they’d be laughed at for being a toothless tiger and will continue to live in a world of innuendo and insinuation which also damages their product. It’s a case of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

The above is what they have done to City. Don’t see anyone writing a piece on that!!!!!
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