PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

He's got form for this sort of stuff.

Compulsive liar and chancer.I'm calling bullshit on his *moles* within the club.

Also was he the scumbag who tried to get PB sacked ? Allegedly?
(or maybe "nostrils" again allegedly?)

He thinks he's charles bigtime.When in fact he's a know nowt chancer.
Kick him to the kerb blues.He's not worth the mither

Btw Comeback @cityrabin and rinse the whatsapp muppets somemore
If the evidence is so compelling against City then why doesn’t he shut the fuck up and let due process take its course, I’m sure he’s provided his investigation notes to the PL for them to consider. All this noise suggests he’s not got what he says he has, I’d recommend ignoring him because he’s fishing.
The world according to Harris is whatever he's imagining up in his head at the time. Whether he's drunk or not can influence how interesting his lies are.
Why do you seem hell bent on blaming City for being hacked? He's known to have hacked Benfica, Doyen Sports, a Cayman Isles bank (where he stole €300,000) and one of the Portuguese judges in his trial along with their cyber investigation police. Lord knows where else he was lurking. I think he was using some Russian developed hacking tools.

There is no such thing as "hack-proof", like it or not.
To be fair - if I were paid to hack into City, what better way to cover your tracks... i.e. make it look random, than by hacking a few other companies etc..?
Personally, I believe we were targeted and the fact that 'doctored' emails were used stinks even more... Mansour has a lot of contacts with Cyber experts to hand... If I were him, i'd have had all my rivals hacked and backdoors put into their systems!

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