PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I was thinking earlier about this "fair and market value" comment, as i understand it lets assume we sign a deal for £50 million but the PL say it should only be £25 million then we dont lose the money coming in, it just means there will be an adjustment to reduce the difference.

So how does it work if the Rags get government funding towards a new stadium? Surely and club who has developed their own stadium at their own cost would have a valid claim against the "fair and market value".
You have to laugh. Gary Neville cannot understand how Citys revenue can be higher than uniteds. So let me get this straight Gary, the most publicised, Investigated, commented on sponsorship contract deals in World football, where the values for the major sponsors contracts were openly discussed and stated in court findings.

Where new shirt manufacturers sponsorship deal values are openly available on the Internet along with revenue from all competitions and you can include TV revenue in with that too.

Better still open sources like Swiss Ramble who do a fantastic job of laying it all out for you. Your rags have won next to fuck all in a decade where City have hoovered up silverware after silverware. Yet you still cannot understand? I'd suggest you're thick as a pisstone then Gary. Either that or you're lying through your back teeth to appease and confirm the conspiracy theorists amongst your dickhead twitter following and other morons who listen to your utterings on social media platforms. I suspect its the latter so just fuck off Gary, you're fucking boring us with your uninformed bullshit.
best rant on BM for some time, take a bow sir
I was thinking earlier about this "fair and market value" comment, as i understand it lets assume we sign a deal for £50 million but the PL say it should only be £25 million then we dont lose the money coming in, it just means there will be an adjustment to reduce the difference.

So how does it work if the Rags get government funding towards a new stadium? Surely and club who has developed their own stadium at their own cost would have a valid claim against the "fair and market value".
Stadia costs are not included in ffp.
Your entire point is predicated on your belief that our hierarchy want and alternative to FFP/PSR. I don't think they care what rules are in place - they will comply and win
City already made alternative suggestions as far back as 2012 & the G14 Cartel Clubs fucked us off.

There's now a growing realisation that these rules are fucked & will only work for those at the top.

What's lacking, & would put the cat amongst the FFP/PSR pigeons is a fully thought-through football finance alternative. Surely this has got to be better than us being like sitting ducks waiting for our enemies to conjure up more ways to crush us?
You may be right.

It needs a mixed speciality action group, NOT a COMMITTEE

'One volunteer is better than nine pressed men'.

I'll help if I can.
Here's one for starters.

New owners can attain loans, but only as a percentage of their turnover. If they want to borrow more they can, but it can't be levied as debt against the club.

If they want to invest their own wealth, they can but it has to be converted into equity.

This will stop reckless owners gambling their club's futures away, & wouldn't limit ambitious but sensible owners from investing their personal wealth into their clubs.

The nonsense UEFA told us in 2012 has proved unworkable bollocks. They suggested that we invest in youth & grow our playing squad organically over a number of seasons until we could challenge.

Absolute bollocks! Look at Leicester. Within 2 seasons of winning the PL, they were asset stripped. Kanté & Drinkwater went the Chelsea, Maguire to ManUre, Mahrez to City, with only Vardy resisting Arsenal's advances to remain & Chilwell also moving to Chelsea but a bit later.

Seven years after their unlikely PL win, Leicester were relegated to the Championship. That says all we need to know about building a squad organically.

You either become a nursery, or a feeder club for the CL chasing clubs as Leicester found out, & similar to what's happening to Brighton now.

It only takes a couple of bad seasons & a weakened, underdeveloped squad until those clubs could be scrapping against relegation rivals for PL survival.
City already made alternative suggestions as far back as 2012 & the G14 Cartel Clubs fucked us off.

There's now a growing realisation that these rules are fucked & will only work for those at the top.

What's lacking, & would put the cat amongst the FFP/PSR pigeons is a fully thought-through football finance alternative. Surely this has got to be better than us being like sitting ducks waiting for our enemies to conjure up more ways to crush us?
Do you think they'll leave us alone if we come up with an alternative? You've already said we did and they fucked us off. City is the issue for the others, not FFP
Do you think they'll leave us alone if we come up with an alternative? You've already said we did and they fucked us off. City is the issue for the others, not FFP
Perceptions are changing. We've spent the last 12 years bellyaching about how unfair & unworkable FFP/PSR is. It's time we went on the front foot & started offering up viable, workable solutions which are fair for all, protect clubs from reckless owners, but doesn't stop responsible owner investment.

Do you have any suggestions to put forward which others can add to as an alternative to the current shitshow that is FFP/PSR? I've offered up a couple above in the hope of kick-starting a solutions based conversation.

We've already discussed the negatives of FFP/PSR to death, yet here we are facing another 115 breaches of the PL's/UEFA's bullshit rules.

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