I stand to be corrected but are we not past the discovery stage of the investigation where the plaintiffs are obliged to have provided us with all their evidence for their charges?
If so the fact we have not shat our kecks at the mere weight of their smoking gun and held our hands up with an "its a fair cop guvnor" should lead us to believe they have waved the der Spiegel emails at us once again.
Additional info allegedly pointing to a query re a certain single individuals testimony and its veracity is merely a red herring by our detractors. His testimony was not the only verification of the true events as stated by our and others documentation, accounts etc.
We all wait for the eventual reveal of the PL's "evidence" with bated breath. It should be a fucking scandal if all they have is what UEFA had and are simply rehashing the same case as held at CAS and expecting or hoping for a different outcome.