PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think my comments were taken for what they were - a qualified analysis of what happens IF the breaches are PROVEN. I can see other fans being giddy at that but my approach is not to sugar coat it mainly for City fans who are entitled to understand the situation if they want to where the club is unable to explain things. Harris published my piece in August 2021 which put City's side (and explained things then (transpired to be a decent analysis)) and I don't think he hides his view. He doesn't need my ammunition.
I saw it as that, although I have seen opposition supporters post it as evidence that you think we're guilty.

One in particular that was dismissive of your credentials and opinions during CAS has suddenly seen the light and is quoting you as the authority proving our guilt. Liverpool fan to everyone's surprise.
I still find it difficult to comprehend what happened yesterday. At a stroke, the PL have accused us of the most serious corporate crimes, false accounting over a prolonged period. In layman’s terms, they have alleged that our board are systemic cheats and criminals.

The legal process will take fucking years to sort this out and all the time with that label hanging over our head with all of the implications that has for future sponsors and transfer activity And winning of trophies. We may win at the high court in 10 years time but what damage will we have sustained by then.

If our case is rock steady can we not take action against the PL now for defamation and a blatant serious and sustained attack on our club? Can we take action against members of the PL board as individuals. I would like us to be ultra aggressive with the media. If they report any of this other than they are unproven allegations then go for their throats. We have taken a passive and forgiving stance throughout this war and look where it has got us.

I cannot see how things can go back to ‘normal’ after this.
just have a look at the fucking fail this morning. according to them we have a flagrant disregard of rules. They are also running a poll on how we should be punished. Attacks by the media will be ramped up x 10.
I would suggest the fact that we are where we are, already puts the Premier League beyond the point of no return on that score. You don’t levy 100 serious charges against a club and not even have the courtesy to contact them before publishing said charges in the press, unless your relationship with that club is pretty broken. They would have known full well what the City hating media’s reaction would be, and that a compromise settlement or leniency would be very difficult as a result, without being slaughtered by the same ’red’ lap dogs.
The PL doesn’t give a shit about City or whether crucifying us would be to damage their own product in the process, or at least if it does, they may have other priorities. As an organisation they’ve always operated under the threat of United and Liverpool leaving them, and I don’t doubt that threat is being leveraged against them now. This is total war. If we lose, get used to the idea of being thoroughly fucked. The Court of Public Opinion will demand relegations and stripped titles. We have no friends out there. None. Forget about talk of Khaldoon whispering in Downing Street ears. How would it look for the government to have had a backstage word with the PL? How would it look, on top of everything else, if even a whisper got out of our trying to influence proceedings?
I know feck all about finance (although the Fordham thing worries even a journeyman like me), but I just hope we’ve got all our ducks in a row, cos this is their (and by ‘their’, I mean the American owner backed tail wagging the PL dog) last chance to destroy us, which is what they want. Fines, points deductions, punishments we can ride out for a year or two and then bounce back from, are of no use to them. In the words of John Kreese in the Karate Kid, they want us “out of commission permanently”.
On a separate note - and my apologies if they’ve already addressed the matter elsewhere - I’d be interested in whether @projectriver or @Prestwich_Blue think we’d be better off grasping the nettle and getting the hearing out of the way quickly, or frustrating the process for years (leaving to one side the fact that the complex nature of what’s involved, might point to a long, drawn out affair in the Courts anyway)? Just thinking practically, in the immediate short term, of how we would attract new players to the club, if we have the possibility of having any titles we might win subsequently removed, hanging over our heads. It surely can’t be in our interests to have the stink of this wafting around us in the long term, albeit that the reputational damage is already effectively done, can it? Whatever, fingers crossed that we’re going to get a fair trial and not one of the Speckled Jim variety!

Time will tell, mate.

My prediction is that the end result will be a bit disappointing, both for us and the fans of our rivals. We'll be hit by serious sanctions, which will make us weaker for several years, but there will be no expulsion and titles won't be taken away.

I wonder what happens with the ESL project if the PL go OTT with their sanctions.
They are, in effect, claiming City deceived the PL, their auditors and multiple other bodies and filed fake accounts and fake financial forecasts. For at least 9 years. That's the extraordinary allegation.

Might be a daft and naive question this, but do the Premier League have any duty to be on top of stuff like the accounts on a year by year basis?

I mean, if they spot something wrong after year 1, 2 or 10, shouldn't they have to take this up with the club at that very point rather than let it go year after year until we're where we are?
This is what happens when the Americans get involved. It's no coincidence that since they have been involved in the so called 'big' clubs we have been systematically abused. I wonder why, could it just be the location of our owners. These Yank cnuts have no understanding of competition, they want to slice up the pie and divide it amongst themselves. If anyone gets in the way they go nuclear on them. This is what Yanks do whether it's politics, economics or sport. They blow up everything for their own benefit, they even blow up countries to reap the dividends, they'll happily try and gut us.
A couple of random thoughts.
UEFA /CAS - Our refusal to co-operate and holding back all our evidence, I know we said it was because of leaks. Wonder if really we were laying a big elephant trap for UEFA and were somewhat dissapointed when CAS said we don't want your evidence because we won't be looking at it due to time barring.
So have laid the same trap for the Premier league and kept our evidence back for the independant commitee to see and expose the P/L . After all if we'd given it all to UEFA/P/L we may have been found innocent but it would have been on the quiet.
As I say it's just random thoughts, but makes more sense to me than we were fraudulent for years and incompetant with it and think we can bluster our way out., that really makes no sense.
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