PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

having a friendly conversation with some newcastle fans who said some of our sponsorship deals were dodgy as fuck so i asked them to back it up with examples .... 8xBet, 3Key and Wega were quoted back at me and tbh i had no answer other than if thats true it'll come out now.

anyone have a better answer?

Just for context they like us and think we're being made an example of.
We are so professionally run as a business, I cannot see anyway we would be underhand with the financial side of the business. Why would we be?

after taking a pinch last time regarding our accounts (2014 i believe) why would we run the risk of being stupid by hiding/making false numbers in our accounts knowing they are the most scrutinised in world football? How will our exterior auditors feel about this as well as their integrity is now obviously being called into question?
If there is any doubt in anyone's mind about whether this is a corrupt witch-hunt or not (not that there can be any doubt), just look at how these charges have been announced.

When the police suspect someone of a crime, they get them in for questioning. Ask them did they do it, do you have an alibi etc, drill into the details. And if then there's sufficient evidence, they charge them.

What they do not do is announce to the media that they are charging Joe Bloggs with murder, without even telling Joe Bloggs about it.
I think it would have to be.
Everything is so speculative you have to do what we've always done - support the club and just carry on, as this will be lurking in the background for the forseeable future.
My thoughts too. If we were punished now then won in the supreme high court in 10 years the damages claim against the PL would bankrupt them
Based on what City are accused of, is it at all likely other clubs may have similar circumstances and will the PL also be investigating or can City ‘point some of these out’…?

Seems like that just wanna go after us

IF we were guilty of some of these charges, like paying a manager partly from another company etc, would anyone believe this doesn’t happen at other huge clubs where the wage bill alone for staff is insane amounts of money?

If they investigated United or Chelsea, or foreign clubs like PSG as much as they have with us, I’d bet my bollocks they would find breaches of some financial rules somewhere.

I think it would naive to think some entity worth billions is completely squeaky clean and by the book 100%, even if it’s minor things that will just earn you a slap on the wrist.

The problem I have is we seem to be the target when every club will be at it in one way or another.
Thanks Stefan, all confusing for a simpleton to understand! lol
This all smacks of a rehash of the original charges brought by UEFA but this time the allegations go right from the start of the takeover. Like someone wrote on here yesterday, do you really think after being sanctioned in 2014 we wouldn't make doublely sure of of financial dealing as not to break the rules. The hateful eight are desperate to get City out of the Premier League absolutely desperate. I heard one so called financial expert this morning saying that Chelsea wouldn't fall foul of the FFP rules because they spread their transfer payments and have a long line of academy player to sell, hello , doesn't that sound the same as us? Why is it different for City
So apparently City, our external auditors, Silver Lake and the Chinese government are all in on a conspiracy to pay Bobby Manc a few backhanders?

They just want to get us. That's it. And I think this time they'll be made to look stupid

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