PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

What gets me with all this is we have charges against us in a time when Sheikhandour was allowed to do what he liked with his money. Once the regulations come in then yeah its fair game but if its going to be this intense why not go back to when the human rights advocate Thaksin took us over. Also am I supposed to believe not a criminal in at all Abramovich did everything correctly, that Gillete and Hocks weren't a pair of shysters. The Cardiff and Hull owners who took the piss out of there own fans. Why does it only include us, fucking chancers amd criminals running the PL
This what I don't get. I'm not having it that we were squeaky clean under Shinawatra's ownership and now we're dodgy as fuck. If anything, it's far more likely to be the other way round!
I still find it difficult to comprehend what happened yesterday. At a stroke, the PL have accused us of the most serious corporate crimes, false accounting over a prolonged period. In layman’s terms, they have alleged that our board are systemic cheats and criminals.

The legal process will take fucking years to sort this out and all the time with that label hanging over our head with all of the implications that has for future sponsors and transfer activity And winning of trophies. We may win at the high court in 10 years time but what damage will we have sustained by the ñ. I

If our case is rock steady can we not take action against the PL now for defamation and a blatant serious and sustained attack on our club? Can we take action against members of the PL board as individuals. I would like us to be ultra aggressive with the media. If they report any of this other than they are unproven allegations then go for their throats. We have taken a passive and forgiving stance throughout this war and look where it has got us.

I cannot see how things can go back to ‘normal’ after this.
I agree, Sheikh M has to change to allow an Abromavic type of reaction to any media attack. In fact employ him to warn the media.
It is as you say serious stuff that our auditors perhaps should back us or the PL.
Let our auditors examine what they say then either resign or take PL to court ASAP.
We City fans are made of strong stuff, just look at our following as we dropped into the 3rd tier.

We have been treated abysmally by PGMOL, the media and other Clubs in recent times but we are still here.

Nearly 70 years supporting them and I am not giving up now.
I actually saw that done bust nose and tooth knocked out ,not sure that's pc these days tho
Had the ruler on the Knuckles. Around aged 9/10. I too have witnessed the chalk duster, but was never rogueish enough for that particular beating.
It’s what kids are lacking these days.
Strange how the PL have no issue at all with a certain club relocating their business to the tax and financial accountability black hole that is the Cayman Islands, yet they've obviously scrutinised us in forensic detail to uncover every minor discrepancy possible.
It's extraordinary. I don't know how we can be accused of very serious accounting malpractice and yet see our case go to an independent hearing of this kind. The Serious Fraud Office and/or HMRC must surely be taking an interest in the explosive nature of these allegations. There will surely be questions about the competency of the PL if they failed to detect falsification, as well as many other bodies that scrutinised our accounts and ultimately signed them off. I agree with Stefan when he says that it is entirely plausible that the PL simply do not understand of what it is they are accusing City. This has the potential to become an extremely ugly affair and goes beyond the UEFA allegations in terms of severity. It would also appear that some of the professional courtesy that City shared with UEFA is lacking with the PL. After the CAS verdict, Khaldoon called Ceferin and they had a cordial conversation. I don't see something similar happening here - I think that the outcome could shake the foundations of the PL, particularly with independent regulation in the offing. I should imagine that the UK government will only be emboldened to introduce independent regulation if one of its key security allies and trade partners is wrongfully smeared by an organisation that is in the grip of certain members with too much influence.
Maybe we should insist that HMRC and the Serious Crimes unit be brought in.
I really think that we need to gane change such are the seriousness if the charges and their potential consequences. Why the fuck should we sit meekly under this cloud for the next x years.
I’m no expert but If we break down all the allegations. Am I right in thinking related party funding is the only one that would have severe consequences if found guilty?
Paying Mancini on the side is surely a matter for the inland revenue for example and would probably be a fine.
So FFP brought in to prevent clubs going out of business. Well we have not gone out of business. We are performing well and making profit. With no debt.
For me, not allowing a club to invest with owners own money still goes against the rules of business.
Had we have failed, been relegated, in financial turmoil and on the verge of going out of business, would they come for us? No is the answer.
The fact they have to keep chopping and changing the rules of FFP suggests it was not right in the first place.
We should join up with Newcastle, Everton, PSG etc and go after the legitimacy of FFP
I assumed yesterday that this was all about FFP but as the day wore on, it sounded a lot more serious than just the breaking of a football finance rule. Some of the allegations pre-date FFP and seem more akin to law-breaking. However, it’s all being dealt with by the PLs “independent panel” rather than the tax or police authorities.

I’m so confused by it all.
Anyone who has ever entered a negotiation knows you overstate your position in order to settle at the best figure you can get.
Looks like the premier league are trying to puff up the whole thing into something it’s not. I mean including youth player contracts etc
I imagine they know full well half of this will be thrown out and they are hoping some will stick.
They will them punish us for some minimal stuff and act like we’re cheats
This is what I see

Throw enough shit and hope some sticks
During this shit storm, there is no way that Pep should face the media by himself in press conferences. He’s not a solicitor or accountant and shouldn’t have to field questions about the allegations.
There needs to be someone by his side who will shut down any journalists who go down that route. Start banning them if they continue

The media can be told not to ask any questions to pep regarding this but we know they will ask a question on this and pep as always will answer it honestly

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