PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Sad that for the duration of the investigation as fans we have to listen to the shite that opposing fans are now spouting. Be even worse if there has been wrong doing. I just hope this shit galvanises the team for the remainder of the year and we do something special on the pitch be class to win another 3 trophies and it would boil some serious piss
I don’t think he will face them alone. Simon Heggie will sit next to him I imagine, and will nip it in the bud at the start of the presser, or at least try to.
He (Club's media guy) needs to make it clear before any presser starts that no questions about the current PL charges will be answered so respectfully don't ask them. Don't even let the buggers ask anything. Pep can't comment on them anyway.
City have been under the spotlight since the takeover, fear, jealousy and blatant racism being the drivers. And under continued spotlight some of the World's top business brains aided by similar accountants and auditors have been cooking the books ?

You couldn't make this shit up, the club will come through this hopefully highlighting the witch hunt/cunts behind this.

My only concern is the damage already done and the effect on the club, players and fans. This thread highlights the mood amongst fans and can only imagine its similar within the club, let's hope like us it's galvanised everyone to come together and do what we do best - "fight to the end"


ps - anynone know how to resolve posting problems on a S21/android, bloody nightmare at minute.
if we`ve done nothing wrong then it shouldnt take too long anyway mate?
there’s circa 100 charges that have been laid. If we’ve done nothing wrong it still takes time to respond to them. Clearly the club will prioritise them but it won’t be a quick process in my view. So I do not believe that 23 days allows enough time to respond to 100 charges, unless “not guilty on all counts” will do for openers
Had the ruler on the Knuckles. Around aged 9/10. I too have witnessed the chalk duster, but was never rogueish enough for that particular beating.
It’s what kids are lacking these days.
Lad next to me had a wooden chair thrown at him by the Music teacher because he wouldnt shut up, mind you that was around 1976 :-)
Mancinigate is only the same as Pogbagate when he signed for the RTs and “other” parties helped reduce the RTs financial burden - Adidas for example. If the good old PL really want to clean up the football house they need to go in every room not just the “City room”. If anyone anywhere truly believes we have used financial tactics that no one else in the PL have used then they need to wake up and smell the proverbial. If this all goes tits up for the PL they may well end up being masters of their own downfall.
I would suggest the fact that we are where we are, already puts the Premier League beyond the point of no return on that score. You don’t levy 100 serious charges against a club and not even have the courtesy to contact them before publishing said charges in the press, unless your relationship with that club is pretty broken. They would have known full well what the City hating media’s reaction would be, and that a compromise settlement or leniency would be very difficult as a result, without being slaughtered by the same ’red’ lap dogs.
The PL doesn’t give a shit about City or whether crucifying us would be to damage their own product in the process, or at least if it does, they may have other priorities. As an organisation they’ve always operated under the threat of United and Liverpool leaving them, and I don’t doubt that threat is being leveraged against them now. This is total war. If we lose, get used to the idea of being thoroughly fucked. The Court of Public Opinion will demand relegations and stripped titles. We have no friends out there. None. Forget about talk of Khaldoon whispering in Downing Street ears. How would it look for the government to have had a backstage word with the PL? How would it look, on top of everything else, if even a whisper got out of our trying to influence proceedings?
I know feck all about finance (although the Fordham thing worries even a journeyman like me), but I just hope we’ve got all our ducks in a row, cos this is their (and by ‘their’, I mean the American owner backed tail wagging the PL dog) last chance to destroy us, which is what they want. Fines, points deductions, punishments we can ride out for a year or two and then bounce back from, are of no use to them. In the words of John Kreese in the Karate Kid, they want us “out of commission permanently”.
On a separate note - and my apologies if they’ve already addressed the matter elsewhere - I’d be interested in whether @projectriver or @Prestwich_Blue think we’d be better off grasping the nettle and getting the hearing out of the way quickly, or frustrating the process for years (leaving to one side the fact that the complex nature of what’s involved, might point to a long, drawn out affair in the Courts anyway)? Just thinking practically, in the immediate short term, of how we would attract new players to the club, if we have the possibility of having any titles we might win subsequently removed, hanging over our heads. It surely can’t be in our interests to have the stink of this wafting around us in the long term, albeit that the reputational damage is already effectively done, can it? Whatever, fingers crossed that we’re going to get a fair trial and not one of the Speckled Jim variety!
Pretty much my thoughts they've had this planned and have umleashed everything to try to take us out completely. From what I can gather they seem to have their own people in place for the hearing so not much chance we can win that, so won't it come down to the appeal stage.

The only thing I can think contrary to that is the PL might not want their corruption and trumped up charges exposed so might be forced to negotiate a sanction before that stage.

Interested in any views.
just have a look at the fucking fail this morning. according to them we have a flagrant disregard of rules. They are also running a poll on how we should be punished. Attacks by the media will be ramped up x 10.
The media’s reporting is exceptionally negative so how n earth can we expect neutrality in an “independent “ review?
We’re already being portrayed as guilty!
Sad that for the duration of the investigation as fans we have to listen to the shite that opposing fans are now spouting. Be even worse if there has been wrong doing. I just hope this shit galvanises the team for the remainder of the year and we do something special on the pitch be class to win another 3 trophies and it would boil some serious piss
Wrong doing?…man invests his own money in his own business shocker. It’s bullshit,complete and utter garbage.
He'll take it anyway, mate, gladly.

Without wishing for it to read disrespectful, what you Tweeted was hardly groundbreaking? I don't think anybody is under any illusion, whatsoever, the Premier League would seek to impose the heaviest of punishments.

My disappointment was your own viewpoint that we should be relegated if found guilty?

Personally, I find that hard to digest and a delicious tap-in for people such as Harris, who only gave you the right of redress after previously dismissing you and other Blue Moon informed posters as deranged.

We all have a different moral compass. I have nothing but respect for how City do business and the hoops and hurdles they have had to jump through to simply exist as a successful entity.
He might be a City fan but he's thrown the club and the fans under a bus, like they need more ammunition ffs

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