PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

But if we expect the charges to be dropped, wouldnt we wait until they had and then send In the big legal tanks?

No, Because they all would still think we are guilty and paid ourselves out of trouble, This way it Stops them in their tracks and before they all say it, The Issued letters are warnings Manchester City has had enough of this witch hunt by the media and other clubs and their fans,
What’s your basis for that? Do you know it’s not happened or are you speculating? If so what’s are you basing the speculation on? Genuinely interested. I’ve noticed a deliberate tone change with some media in the past week which could be subconscious bias based on reading bits on Twitter by me or could be a consequence of the club making moves.
I’m not sure the club would bother with that fake rag twat though. Seems a bit basic considering the huge size of the project.
It's tricky proving something didn't happen unless you're Trump or Johnson.
See reply to Tolmie for the context.
There is a media organization that all of us are legally forced to subscribe to, it's called the BBC and the annual fee is currently £169.50. They are absolutely front and central on the constant attacks into City and have been from day one. The content used by Der Spiegel and the Sunday Times was all provided by a group called "European Investigative Collaborations", ( the BBC are quite open about their leading role in that group. Last summer after the treble victory they ran a "115 Charges" story on BBC World presented by Ross Atkins. It was an absolute hatchet job that could have been scripted on Rag Cafe. Right at the very end after five minutes of besmirching the club, smearing the owners and sponsors it ended with the cursory "City deny any wrong doing". It's estimated that 320 million people watch BBC World. Although the BBC coverage of Co-Live morphed into a weird rant about Ms Tiffin on here, it was a perfect illustration how a good news story was turned into an attack on MCFC. There are far too many examples of Dan Roan and Simon Stone attacks to be mentioned here.

So I would say the BBC is the absolute litmus test of any change or moderation in the media treatment of the "115 Charges". I'll be watching them in the next few day...

[aside] has anyone noticed how they never mention anything negative about the owners of MCFC in the coverage of the Women's team. That must be caused by a "clash of BBC agendas"...
No one is legally forced to subscribe to the BBC.
I think Khaldoon drew a line in the sand a long time ago, when he said we would take a pinch that time. Next time, he said, or similar words, that he would rather spend £30M on the best lawyers and take them on because we have done nothing wrong. There is no conciliation or meekly accepting what the PL and their cronies want. This is a fight to the end.

But this is a whole new ball game with the issued letters, Something must have been pasted and City cleared of any wrongdoings for the Warnings to be sent, It's not just the Youtubers ? The whole Media has been Warned and it's Funny that they have said nothing over the weekend
I don't see why we'd care if he has received a cease and desist, or if he reads it out - they aren't confidential documents, it will basically say if you continue to repeat unproven allegations as fact we will take you to court. As we should.

I'd have sent them long ago, far and wide. You can talk about the "115" all you want, you cannot talk like you know that it is or will be proven.
Fabricating accounts is a massive criminal offence tbf

Yep, So why Jump and claim and publish the 115 Changers to the media

The Premier League could be about to get egg on their faces and Manchester City owners walk all over them in the future
So just ignore the damage and bend over and pull pants down?

No. City have long since woken up to the fact that we have aggressive neighbour's who mean us no good. City need to respond accordingly to this threat. It appears that our neighbour's only understand reciprocity and strength and City will have to show that when the time is right. Choose our battles well.

The EPL charges are key. If we lose it is open season. If we win we need to go for their respective jugular's.

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