PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

With regards the cease and desist letters, it's possible that they were sent out, but the recipients have perhaps chosen to ignore them following legal advice. I am no lawyer, but whilst there has been a press bonanza designed to satisfy the baying mob, City have done the treble and now possibly the double. Fingers crossed on the latter. Therefore, have City suffered financial loss because of the garbage reporting, E.g
Lost key sponsors etc. Possibly Not. Additionally, the recipients of the letters may have weighed up how much money they can earn from the usual click bait and compared this with the financial risks e.g. compensation, legal costs etc. Maybe they have taken a gamble based on a risk assessment of the potential costs. I have seen cease and desist orders when working in industry and one of the options is to ignore them which we did on occasion. Tolmie's Hairdoo may have been right, but the recipients may have decided to ignore them or moderate their behaviour only marginally. If they did go out, it will have been to the big hitters and that does not mean the Nottingham Forest WUM. Just a thought.
On the day that Man City win their 4th title in a row, an independent panel of experts has found Ethihad Airlines and middle-eastern people in general responsible for the exctinction inducing asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
And we are still awaiting the results of the 115 charges for that.
With regards the cease and desist letters, it's possible that they were sent out, but the recipients have perhaps chosen to ignore them following legal advice. I am no lawyer, but whilst there has been a press bonanza designed to satisfy the baying mob, City have done the treble and now possibly the double. Fingers crossed on the latter. Therefore, have City suffered financial loss because of the garbage reporting, E.g
Lost key sponsors etc. Possibly Not. Additionally, the recipients of the letters may have weighed up how much money they can earn from the usual click bait and compared this with the financial risks e.g. compensation, legal costs etc. Maybe they have taken a gamble based on a risk assessment of the potential costs. I have seen cease and desist orders when working in industry and one of the options is to ignore them which we did on occasion. Tolmie's Hairdoo may have been right, but the recipients may have decided to ignore them or moderate their behaviour only marginally. If they did go out, it will have been to the big hitters and that does not mean the Nottingham Forest WUM. Just a thought.
It won’t stop them talking about it, it’s in the public domain,

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