PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

As a long time reader of this board I really like tolmie and enjoying reading his posts. However I can’t help but feel recently he just posts ambiguous stuff on Twitter to try and farm reactions. Throw enough shit and some of it will stick approach.

Hardly ambiguous, matey!

Couldn't be clearer.

I am not farming reactions, I'm not earning money from it, learned very quickly that I can't go down the route.

Joined Twitter to fight City's corner against media and others, but also because my job has changed this last year and it affords me less time to devote, as opposed to longer conversations with the bretheren on here.
Personal view on Tolmie's info updates (don't know the guy personally and have never met him) however I have noticed he's right most times than not. Regarding his sources and the information he receives, I have no doubt that it's being supplied by someone within the club and that what he's been told, he's been told.

The only question mark is as to the accuracy and integrity that the person within the club sharing this info is being with TH. Sometimes they might be exaggerating a touch, maybe chinese whispers, misrepresenting the reality of what's going on or only hearing second hand info. So whilst I don't doubt that what Tolmie shares he has been told (i.e. he's not making anything up himself or embellishing it and that sources within the club have genuinely shared it with him), the question mark is on the sharer and whether the information is as accurate as what they've told TH, however, not knowing the circles he runs it at City, I cannot reflect or opinionate on the sources he has or their character.
My question to @tolmie's hairdoo would be if his post this morning is an expectation from someone connected to the club rather than a statement of fact?

The only way it could be the latter would be if it is all done and dusted awaiting an announcement.
Maybe get the cup final out of the way first...

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