PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I’ve tried to keep this as simple as possible: as a financial analyst who puts great stock in the veracity of financial statements, as long as we’ve committed no accounting fraud I don’t care what what we’re “guilty” of. If we’re cleared it will change positively nothing among the nattering nabobs who’ll merely claim global politics, corruption, technicalities, etc. Not a single public person nor entity who’s disparaged the club will reverse course — not a single one. There will and can be no “vindication” in their eyes regardless of facts, period, end of. As such, I will feel no additional pleasure at the outcome if it’s positive for us, since it doesn’t change anything regarding how I feel, nor will it change others who believe in asterisks, taint, etc. They may talk less (doubtful) but they’ll never be convinced.


I've gone beyond caring too much what the loons on social media,pundits and content creators masquerading as journalists say.

Likewise ignorant or oafish rival supporters who cling to the cheat tag to stop themselves dwelling on their own teams failings.
Last year I remember Tolmie saying with certainty that Erling was coming to City. There were those who believed him and those who most certainly did not and were keen to make sure everyone knew it. Gradually Tolmie explained that he knew this not because of something he'd heard but because of something he had seen. Some time after Erling had signed he explained that he had seen forms concerning his medical insurance. This tells us that Tolmie is not an animated ventriloquist's dummy who simply repeats willy nilly what he hears but someone with contacts who listens and then evaluates it as evidence. This tweet is very definite, Tolmie is very sure and even though he hasn't identified the source we all know Tolmie well enough to know that we would be very wise to take it very seriously. I am certain one of the first things Tolmie has asked is if his source(s) is/are in a position to know or express a valid opinion and he must be satisfied on this point. Does experience show their opinion to be an informed and trustworthy one? If Tolmie is satisfied that the source is both credible and reliable. That doesn't mean that what Tolmie says will inevitably come to pass but it is to be taken seriously and is very encouraging. From me, and many others, thank you Tolmiw.

Everything he just said ;)
There are some who will welcome the Dan Roan interview with Phil on tonights 6 oclock News, perhaps as the start of a normalisation process with the BBC ? Personally I found it nauseating that we allowed that duplicitous dick use our in-house media centre to quiz Phil. I suppose, out of courtesy to his hosts, Roan refrained from using his favourite 115 smears, tropes and insults. The club have shown incredible tolerance to the likes of Roan despite the untold damage his attacks have caused us. Perhaps its a good job punters like me are not making these calls. Christ, allowing Roan over the threshold ! what next ? a life time ST for Jordan ?
“They’ve threatened to pull state funding out of the UK”
It’s not a threat it’s a promise.

Personally, I’d find it hard to believe that such a threat was made. It would likely be seen as undiplomatic. However, if this had actually been intimated by Abu Dhabi at government level to the UK, I’d be surprised if it would make a difference. After all, it didn’t stop the Government putting the kibosh on the Abu Dhabi backed bid for the Telegraph and Spectator.

Also, the value of UAE investment in the UK is relatively small compared to that of other countries. In 2021, the UAE and the UK signed agreements for further inward investment into the UK and I’m not sure the UAE would renege on that. Even if they did, they would be replaced by other investors eager to take advantage of any fire sale. The UAE are far too smart for that. Lastly, this is really a matter for City, the Premier League and a multitude of lawyers. It would be inappropriate for either Government in my view, to involve itself in such a parochial matter.

Shankly was wrong. Football is not more important than life and death. Both the UK and UAE have far more weighty matters to concern them. Not least, the Israel/Gaza conflict, Iran, Yemen, Ukraine/Russia and China’s sabre rattling over Taiwan.
My question to @tolmie's hairdoo would be if his post this morning is an expectation from someone connected to the club rather than a statement of fact?

The only way it could be the latter would be if it is all done and dusted awaiting an announcement.

The former, albeit, someone of such standing not to ignore!

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