PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I don't feel I need to. That wasn't the point of my post. I was just pointing out that in the real world businesses (and that's what both City and the PL are at the end of the day) try to figure out what's best for their own continuity and come to an agreement so that both parties move on. What happens when the office nutcase tries to claim unfair dismissal? More often than not a deal is cut behind the scenes to avoid lengthy legal proceedings and bad PR making its way to that company's client and prospect base. City getting slammed isn't a good outcome for City but it's also a terrible outcome for the PL which is why I think it's the least likely outcome.
The point of your post was telling us the most likely outcome. Explain WHY you think that. Surely?

The fact that your post stinks of how guilty we are and how the natural development is "a deal"... showed me you know fuck all about the charges except what you have read in the media.

Explain one charge. Explain why we will only get a 20pt deduction?

Otherwise we are just dealing with another knobhead who gets his info from the newspapers and AFTV trying to be nice and cosy up to what you see as a doomed, guilty club .

Explain the thinking behind your comments. Simple enough or might educate us all on here. More likely though it will prove that you just believe whatever you read on twitter.
I don't feel I need to. That wasn't the point of my post. I was just pointing out that in the real world businesses (and that's what both City and the PL are at the end of the day) try to figure out what's best for their own continuity and come to an agreement so that both parties move on. What happens when the office nutcase tries to claim unfair dismissal? More often than not a deal is cut behind the scenes to avoid lengthy legal proceedings and bad PR making its way to that company's client and prospect base. City getting slammed isn't a good outcome for City but it's also a terrible outcome for the PL which is why I think it's the least likely outcome.
Ive been saying for a while that the pl have been trying unsuccessfully to extricate themselves from the mess that they have created, these charges were the result of the pl trying to stave off an independent regulator and what they expected to happen was for city to take a minor slap on the wrist (hence the large amount of charges) and for them to be able to go to the regulator look we can keep our own house in order , if they were serious about anything else they would have gone for a smaller number of charges that were far more easily provable and not insinuating criminal offences had taken place.

What they didnt account for is city saying no thats not happening and fighting back and that presented them with a problem of coming up with evidence to prove the accusations and now they have found themselves in a battle that they cant win and a mess of their own creation because whatever happens from here on out they have damaged the brand, masters will lose his job and they will look beyond ridiculous.
Actually, it is true
Friends of ours emigrated to Australia around 20 years ago
My daughter (27 years old) posted pics on Instagram of us at the parade and the Dad commented back something along the lines of "what are you celebrating for? You've got 115 charges to face"

He's not stupid. He works as a regional manager for one of the largest banks in Australia and is a lifetime Ipswich supporter
I moved to Australia in 2001, not heard a single mention of 115 in all that time, barring maybe a news report or two. Never really been anything negative about us at all.

And yeah I wouldn’t hold regional managers up as an example of intelligence. Usual qualification is an inflated ego and a head up their own arse
In my original post I stated that Arsenal weren't exactly whiter than white and that there are skeletons in the closet.

I'm not here in a willy waving guise, I was just commenting on the whole charges thread as a whole. Clearly in hindsight that wasn't a wise move but I'm finding some members are ignoring the post as a whole but zeroing in on a few words of it and trying to spin it out like I've somehow been hiding under the surface on this forum for nearly a year and then right at the end, after all the prizes have been given out, have decided to come out screaming about charges Like a demented William Wallace. What would the point even be of doing that?
If you comment on this thread can I suggest you read the CAS verdict in full you TTT (nice one PB)
I don't feel I need to. That wasn't the point of my post. I was just pointing out that in the real world businesses (and that's what both City and the PL are at the end of the day) try to figure out what's best for their own continuity and come to an agreement so that both parties move on. What happens when the office nutcase tries to claim unfair dismissal? More often than not a deal is cut behind the scenes to avoid lengthy legal proceedings and bad PR making its way to that company's client and prospect base. City getting slammed isn't a good outcome for City but it's also a terrible outcome for the PL which is why I think it's the least likely outcome.

I'm sorry are you using an analogy here that City are "the office nutcase"? We are being accused of some of the most serious allegations possible in business. The allegations suggest that the club have been convincing enough to deliberately mislead highly respected auditors, CAS and the PL itself.

We either did or we didn't. Accepting a 'deal' would suggest we did. If there is a deal to be had it'll be that the Premier League agrees to withdraw all allegations, say 10 hail Mary's and promises not to make such ludicrous allegations against our club ever again, with resignations of those involved in the current proceedings. That kind of deal?
Actually, it is true
Friends of ours emigrated to Australia around 20 years ago
My daughter (27 years old) posted pics on Instagram of us at the parade and the Dad commented back something along the lines of "what are you celebrating for? You've got 115 charges to face"

He's not stupid. He works as a regional manager for one of the largest banks in Australia and is a lifetime Ipswich supporter

It’s been relentless over here, my lad who doesn’t give a fuck about football, he’s one of them weird surfer dudes said to me today…..

Is it true Peps leaving & City have been cheating.
I'm sorry are you using an analogy here that City are "the office nutcase"? We are being accused of some of the most serious allegations possible in business. The allegations suggest that the club have been convincing enough to deliberately mislead highly respected auditors, CAS and the PL itself.

We either did or we didn't. Accepting a 'deal' would suggest we did. If there is a deal to be had it'll be that the Premier League agrees to withdraw all allegations, say 10 hail Mary's and promises not to make such ludicrous allegations against our club ever again, with resignations of those involved in the current proceedings. That kind of deal?
No, the 'office nutcase' is typically the person bringing the charges. That wasn't City in this case.
I don't feel I need to. That wasn't the point of my post. I was just pointing out that in the real world businesses (and that's what both City and the PL are at the end of the day) try to figure out what's best for their own continuity and come to an agreement so that both parties move on. What happens when the office nutcase tries to claim unfair dismissal? More often than not a deal is cut behind the scenes to avoid lengthy legal proceedings and bad PR making its way to that company's client and prospect base. City getting slammed isn't a good outcome for City but it's also a terrible outcome for the PL which is why I think it's the least likely outcome.
Must have been painful to watch all the replies to your original post. Ouch.
I don't feel I need to. That wasn't the point of my post. I was just pointing out that in the real world businesses (and that's what both City and the PL are at the end of the day) try to figure out what's best for their own continuity and come to an agreement so that both parties move on. What happens when the office nutcase tries to claim unfair dismissal? More often than not a deal is cut behind the scenes to avoid lengthy legal proceedings and bad PR making its way to that company's client and prospect base. City getting slammed isn't a good outcome for City but it's also a terrible outcome for the PL which is why I think it's the least likely outcome.
Of course you don't feel the need to, it's because you're full of shit. Looking at your previous post I can't figure out if you're just a clueless parrot or are aware of more than you let on and are just on the wum. There is so much wrong in there that I'm for one not going to bother trying to educate you (I suspect that would be a fruitless excise anyway).

Comparing our alleged transgressions BTW to an alleged rapist is very Arsenal too. We'll see if you come back here if he ends up sharing a cell on the nonce wing.

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