PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Ok I'll explain why I think 20 points is a likely outcome. It's a penalty that is severe enough to be significant (and outweigh the penalties given to Forest and Everton, meaning fans of other clubs can shut up about City not having to take their medicine) whilst simultaneously not actually affecting City that much as with a 20 point deduction they are likely to still qualify for the CL etc.

My hypothesis is based on how businesses operate. Also regarding guilt or otherwise - there are shades of grey always when it comes to legal proceedings and even if you know you are totally innocent there's always the fear that the court/jury etc don't see it that way - maybe the opposition lawyer spins a great story, maybe there's inherent bias on the part of the jury etc.

Which is why I think they won't want to risk it. They'll take a penalty 'in the interests of putting the matter to bed' whilst simultaneously maintaining innocence and stating dissatisfaction with the whole process, both sides move on, and in a couple of years the City fans sit back with popcorn watching Chelsea get bent over a desk by the PL before they go in dry.

All opinion, probably worth fuck all, I've absolutely zero inside info etc.
You assume a 20 point deduction & you also assume that we could make that back up and still qualify for the CL, what you've not allowed for in this assumption is how the manager & players will take the punishment after being lied to about our innocence.
Ok I'll explain why I think 20 points is a likely outcome. It's a penalty that is severe enough to be significant (and outweigh the penalties given to Forest and Everton, meaning fans of other clubs can shut up about City not having to take their medicine) whilst simultaneously not actually affecting City that much as with a 20 point deduction they are likely to still qualify for the CL etc.

My hypothesis is based on how businesses operate. Also regarding guilt or otherwise - there are shades of grey always when it comes to legal proceedings and even if you know you are totally innocent there's always the fear that the court/jury etc don't see it that way - maybe the opposition lawyer spins a great story, maybe there's inherent bias on the part of the jury etc.

Which is why I think they won't want to risk it. They'll take a penalty 'in the interests of putting the matter to bed' whilst simultaneously maintaining innocence and stating dissatisfaction with the whole process, both sides move on, and in a couple of years the City fans sit back with popcorn watching Chelsea get bent over a desk by the PL before they go in dry.

All opinion, probably worth fuck all, I've absolutely zero inside info etc.
Just out of curiosity reading your assumptions, is there any one on the arsenal side that is qualified to give their expert opinion. We have a few on here who also go on national radio and TV to give thier expert knowledge to the case, this is where I presume most city fans get there knowledge and opinion from, hence why we appear confident of the outcome. Is there any litigation experts, accountants, lawyers etc on the arsenal side giving their opinion? If so why do they conclude what your basing your assumptions on?
If we are found not guilty I would like Pep or someone from the club blasts what Klopp has said about this case and the UEFA one " this is bad day for football". was discrase comment after we where found not guilty st CAS

I’d like him to extend his contract & say I’ve not schooled that fool for 9 years only to walk out as soon as the **** resigns.
What an appauling take on what I said. I do take pride in our acheivements. I want this City side to be on Sky in 20 years time like the Rags. I want to see us reverred, not shoved under the rug. It's happening already due to the weaponised 115 charges, wake up.
“I want to look back with pride, but I currently can’t do that”
You said it, mate.
I say, look back with pride; others’ jealousy cannot tarnish our brilliant record under Pep. Every time we win a trophy, I am transported back to some very dark days on the Kippax, close my eyes and metaphorically shout: “YES YES YES. We did it again.”The press don’t believe half what they write; it’s all for clicks.
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You're reading that 'the mask has slipped' into all that? Sorry but that's just paranoid on your part.

For what it's worth I think if you've got money to invest in your own football team you should be able to do so however you choose fit. The point I was trying to make was that at the end of the day, talk of relegations is wide of the mark and that my feeling is that a deal will be cut behind the scenes so that everyone can move on. The reasons for this are 2-fold. Firstly so City can move forward so it will be in their interests to bring it to a close ASAP. But secondly it's hardly in the PL's interests for City to be found guilty of the most severe charges. PL football is a highly marketable brand - not going to look good if its prize asset of the last decade gets slapped with massive penalties and makes it look like the PL has been presiding over a dogs dinner. Money talks at the end of the day in big business.

It’s not a case of what the premier league want. It’s what the cartel of clubs want. Your whining cunts and the letter trying to get all the the American owned clubs singing from the same hymn sheet. This isn’t for the good of the game or true Financial Fair Play this is to try and keep the status quo and keep your nose in the trough along with those other American owned twats. This will end up with no promotion or relegation and a real loss of competition. Also a salary cap which if done in isolation will destroy the premier league as the most popular league in the world.
They’re all trying it on at the minute. Insinuations that the club will be stripped of titles.

I think Edu needs to look at his own team first before crying about others.

Klopp......vindictive and spiteful to the end - and not just about us.
If what's been mentioned a fair few times the charges were put out quickly to try and stop the independent commission.
The fact that there was so many mistakes on the charge sheet, I bet the independent commission thought ....kin hell the pl can't even get the charge sheet right how can they run the pl ?!
I know where your coming from but I want our acheivements to be admired by all, not sullied.
I want others to remember the Pep era as a great pure football acheivement and I want to look back with pride. I can't do that currently.
We lost all admiration from other fans as soon as the charges landed and we've, the club, done nothing to arrest back control of the situation since then.
Why? The achievements speak for themselves, they don't need to be applauded by parrots and the ignorant who feed off the Sly Sports/Cartel narrative of guilty before proven innocent.

If these (false) allegations have seriously made you incapable of feeling pride for what the club, players and manager have achieved in recent years, you'd probably be best not supporting the club anymore.

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