PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You tell us, because that's exactly what you did. Insinuating that City only got away with the UEFA charges because they were time-barred is the kind of made-up bullshit we've all had to deal with for years from morons who are incapable of reading beyond headlines. It's straight out of the "City Are Cheats" handbook and really isn't a good look for someone who's supposedly trying to be fair and balanced.

That's it, right there.

I don't have any issue with musings on the concept of 'a deal'. Some blues have at times suggested similar. Or speculating the number of points deducted, or even assuming we are fucked, or guilty, and would accept a slap on the wrist significant enough to please others, just to move on. I don't agree, but I have no issue with it, it is fair game.

But that reveal, of 'we all know you are guilty and got away with it once', by misrepresenting the uefa case, that's irretrievable now. The genie is out the bottle, and it ain't going back in. The rest really is now completely meaningless.

As I said previously, you have to be either a complete moron, or have an agenda, to have that 'take' on it. I had maybe been giving him more credit assuming it is just the agenda, but the more he says the more I am beginning to think it is maybe a bit of both.
I think Edu needs to look at his own team first before crying about others.

Klopp......vindictive and spiteful to the end - and not just about us.
klopp is doing what klopp has always done and that is play to his audience of idiots, he manipulated those morons in to calling him a genius instead of perennial failure and he is doing it to the end.
It doesn't assume guilt at all. It assumes both parties wanting to end the process quickly and cutting a deal to do so.

City are innocent as proved by CAS no way should City cut a deal.

The 3 red tops +1 have caused this and the rest of the pl clubs should be demanding action against them. These 3 red tops +1 are damaging the image of the pl not City.
I know where your coming from but I want our acheivements to be admired by all, not sullied.
I want others to remember the Pep era as a great pure football acheivement and I want to look back with pride. I can't do that currently.
We lost all admiration from other fans as soon as the charges landed and we've, the club, done nothing to arrest back control of the situation since then.
28 messages in 4 years! Hi Matthew!
28 messages in 4 years! Hi Matthew!

Have you noticed an influx of rags on here since Saturday since expensive Wigan athletic pulled off a giant killing act. Absolute fucking weirdos who will be crying about how shit everything is at the swamp by October.
The managers, pundits and players are just fans at the end of the day - they’re reading the twitter threads and listening to the podcasts and reading the papers too.
Klopp should know better.
He always played that Dipper game.
Pretending to care while subtly getting the victim card in, as to why he is not the greatest.

It lacks class. Some managers just say they wouldn’t comment on such things. Let the law take its course.
Ok I'll explain why I think 20 points is a likely outcome. It's a penalty that is severe enough to be significant (and outweigh the penalties given to Forest and Everton, meaning fans of other clubs can shut up about City not having to take their medicine) whilst simultaneously not actually affecting City that much as with a 20 point deduction they are likely to still qualify for the CL etc.

My hypothesis is based on how businesses operate. Also regarding guilt or otherwise - there are shades of grey always when it comes to legal proceedings and even if you know you are totally innocent there's always the fear that the court/jury etc don't see it that way - maybe the opposition lawyer spins a great story, maybe there's inherent bias on the part of the jury etc.

Which is why I think they won't want to risk it. They'll take a penalty 'in the interests of putting the matter to bed' whilst simultaneously maintaining innocence and stating dissatisfaction with the whole process, both sides move on, and in a couple of years the City fans sit back with popcorn watching Chelsea get bent over a desk by the PL before they go in dry.

All opinion, probably worth fuck all, I've absolutely zero inside info etc.
Ok thanks for the reply. And I thought that.

As City fans we are not only aware of the charges and how they have been brought about, we are also aware of what the charges are. We have financial legal experts on here who give us the background, people who have worked for the club scratching their heads at why the PL have attempted this. In effect shooting themselves in the foot.
None of that comes out in the newspapers and twitter, thats all full of biased hate for a club that is winning their trophies. It is in effect a pile on with those guys. The reality is VERY different than what you read from those outlets. Extremely different is what I would say.

So you put them two things together (IE no case on the face of it) and the impact to Citys image from laying the charges, and you get the result which is to just drag City's name through the mud. Its political, it is designed to do exactly what has happened..... You lot expecting relegation and trophies taken off us, because it is 115 charges. 115! (Its actually 5)
Actually, it is true
Friends of ours emigrated to Australia around 20 years ago
My daughter (27 years old) posted pics on Instagram of us at the parade and the Dad commented back something along the lines of "what are you celebrating for? You've got 115 charges to face"

He's not stupid. He works as a regional manager for one of the largest banks in Australia and is a lifetime Ipswich supporter
To which the reply is: I’ll stop celebrating if we are found guilty.
It doesn't assume guilt at all. It assumes both parties wanting to end the process quickly and cutting a deal to do so.
It does not. But your paragraph explaining that contrary to popular opinion, City were in fact guilty at Uefa, does.

That there is the key jenga block propping the rest of your wee wobbly tower up. You've just kicked it away, the rest can only now fall apart, grapple helplessly as you may.

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