PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Here's something I've wondered for a while when noting the controversy around our Etihad deal.

Regarding the rags Chevrolet sponsorship, considering the enormity of the deal ($559m) and the fact that there was an internal investigation at Chevrolet as to why their marketing exec literally fiddled the books to hide the deal amount from his bosses (because they thought it was a waste of money - and he was subsequently fired). How come the Premier League to this day has never considered looking into this deal? Especially as it was considered by many external experts as being WAY WAY over market value (considering 'soccer' wasn't huge in the US and Chevrolet weren't, and still aren’t big in the UK).

Also, while Etihad ended up sponsoring the best club on the planet for their money. Chevrolet sponsored the rags through seasons of dross for their $559m.

Look at the state of that. £17m a year less and 9 years after the Chevrolet deal. This is rag propaganda.Something definitely stinks.£235-million-shirt-sponsor-deal/2578309
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CAS then took a month to issue their decision. I can't see why it would be anywhere near 6 weeks in this case. Whilst there are a lot more charges, that's due to the number of seasons they apply to. It's worth noting that the 115 charges may well be reduced by the time we get to a hearing. The parties will be sharing information, agreeing statements of common ground and dropping allegations that are dealt with during the written submission stage. I would anticipate a couple of weeks for the hearing and then a month for a verdict.

The charges are rule breaches across a number of seasons and our evidence is largely through our accounts. To get to the bottom of the majority will be as simple as reading through the evidence provided. At the hearing you would expect the sponsorship matter to be dealt with, as it was with CAS and our suits to turn up and bat that one out of the park. I don't know what else really needs to be extensively discussed at a hearing otherwise.

And the verdict would equally be quite simple because you'd go via rule breach and uphold/dismiss in mass rather than by individual season in the majority of instances.

Undoubtedly if it does take 2-3 weeks instead of the 6 that's been earmarked, we'll get a mix of "that means it went well" or "that means it went badly" before @tolmie's hairdoo drops a bomb on twitter about Khaldoon walking out cock in hand throwing £20s at the hoards of journalists outside.

I assume they just try to block out a big enough time frame to definitely do the job.

So if a case could possibly last 6 weeks, you have to book up all 6 weeks because you might not get the same 20 people (lawyers, witnesses, arbiters) in the room again for years.
I don’t think so. A win strengthens our case but a defeat means we are in the same situation we were if we didn’t bring this action.

Stage one: Did the PL break the law?

If they didn’t then it’s as you were

Stage two: Prove your accusations
Win or lose but i think there’s a pathway strategically planned step by step .
Lawton’s latest piece has some more nonsense punishments the Pl clubs want for us if found guilty. Compensation totalling £1bn plus expelled from the league…
Lawton’s latest piece has some more nonsense punishments the Pl clubs want for us if found guilty. Compensation totalling £1bn plus expelled from the league…
or 1 billion price money for super cup lol
Lots of people suggesting that the legal action suggests that we are not confident in our position with regard to the charges. On the other hand, it could be argued that it would be pointless spending yet more millions of £ on legal fees to protect our long-term position if we felt there was a genuine possibility that we could be expelled from the PL (which seems to be the expected sanction if we were to lose the case).
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Go City....the entire toon army are right behind you. Its us v the Cartel they made illegal rules to cut our legs off. Delighted you stood up to them
Whilst we appreciate your support in this matter, it really should have been you doing this as it affects your club the most or at least no less than us.
We've been putting up with this shit for 10 years. Wait until you start winning stuff beating the red mardarses and you'll then suffer some of the crap we've had to put up with since 2011.
Having said that we don't know the details of the case and it could well be co-sponsored as far as we know.
Welcome to the Party - you've been hiding in the kitchen for too long!
I assume they just try to block out a big enough time frame to definitely do the job.

So if a case could possibly last 6 weeks, you have to book up all 6 weeks because you might not get the same 20 people (lawyers, witnesses, arbiters) in the room again for years.

Exactly that. And in the lead up there will have been a request for certain information, both sides will have already settled certain aspects and an agenda will set out the specific aspects of the case that the panel wish to discuss.

And as I said, the majority of our arguments are simply addressed through our accounts and I wonder whether the fundamental charges would take any longer than the 3 days CAS required ultimately.

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